Storm beach deposit of shells in Spain.
Gypsum layers in Spain. I had a very nice geology field trip there!
Upturned turbidity currents
Sorbas village, Spain (DAY 3, 5)
Sorbas Member, Post-evaporite carbonate sands (DAY 3)
Spain - Sorbas Basin Sequences, Fossil Reefs (DAY 3)
Geology field trip - Road Cutting with the reef unconformity (DAY 1)
Spanish field trip - Re-activated fault (Nijar Margin)(DAY 4)
Geology field trip - Re-activated fault (Nijar Margin)(DAY 4)
Geology field trip - Rambla Sierra Debris Flow (DAY 2)
Spanish field trip - Quaternary bad-lands (DAY 2)
Spain Field trip - Metamorphic Basement (DAY 4)
Geology field trip to Spain - Hoyazo Volcano (DAY 4)
Spanish field trip - Faulted Contact with the Sierra Basement (DAY 1)
The famous El Gordo (DAY 2). A turbidity current moved by another turbidity current.
Geology field Trip to Spain - Eastern Tabernas Basin (DAY 1)