Meshes of the Afternoon, Maya Deren and Alexander Hammid (1943)
- Oh, what's the matter with you two? Do you always have to talk about killing people? - We're not talking about killing people. Herb's talking about killing me and I'm talking about killing him. - It's your father's way of relaxing. - Can't he find some other way to relax?
Shadow of a Doubt, Alfred Hitchcock (1943)
- I don’t understand this elaborate way of killing me when you should turn me over the Gestapo. In your unique way, you could question me and try to uncover the starving underground. That would be a great service to the nazi cause but you don’t do it. I wonder why. Because the spy in this case is your wife and Berlin might not understand. They will never trust you again. They might even kick you out of the party. - We are ready to leave. - Or hide above everything else in the world, that’s the true stature of the nazi superman without even the decency of your own cause. - Shut up! - All of you are fundamentally weak cowardly little people.
First comes courage, Dorothy Arzner (1943)
Angels of Sin (Les anges du péché), Robert Bresson (1943)