Delta Dawn by Timothy Lamb
Hickory and the Country Trolls by Timothy Lamb
Country trolls and Delta Dawn concept art by Timothy Lamb
geekgirles reblogged
Trolls World Tour trivia: World Building pt. 1
Fabrics: Velvet, Silk, Wool, Muslin, Embroidery thread, Cotton
Inspirations: Fantasia(1940) and Amadeus(1984)
Lonesome Flats
Fabrics: Quilt, Burlap, Flannel, Embroidery Yarn, Rope, Barbed wire, Wood, Unicorn skin (holographic translucent fabric), Cotton
Inspirations: Old Western (obviously), but specifically Dolly Parton for Delta Dawn
Techno Reef
Fabrics/Styles: Glowsticks, Circuits, 8-bit pixels, lights/luminescence, Unicorn skin (holographic translucent fabric)
Inspirations: Rave parties, glow fests, Electronic music festivals, bio luminescent deep sea creatures
"I knew it. Who let the dogs out? Too far."