hey remember when Sisko had to spend time in a runabout with Dukat so he spend the whole time roasting him
you just don't get shit like this with 8-episode streaming seasons
get that girl her Odo fries !!
i hate them
By popular demand: Avery Brooks (Extended Edition)
Fuck it. German Garashir’s first meeting
My best friend says she actually really likes Garak’s performance here, and honestly Garak’s German actor is kinda growing on me ngl. Some highlights are that little moan he does when he tells Julian to just call him Garak and also that chuckle at the end
And if your conscience is bothering you, you should soothe it with the knowledge that you may have just saved the entire Alpha Quadrant - and all it cost was 2 hours of sleep, Ayesha Erotica, and the self-respect of your entire online audience. I don't know about you, but I'd call that a bargain.
classmate review
Latin American Garashir first meeting. Aka one of the gayest versions of this scene
Some things to note.
Garak at first calls Julian “Shamir”. This isn’t his actual name in this dub or anything it’s just a mistake so i (reluctantly) decided to not have the subtitles reflect this mistake.
And more importantly.
I once went through each and every dub Netflix has of ds9 and watched this scene in an attempt to figure out which of Garak’s voice actors understood the homoerotic undertones (are they even subtle enough to be called undertones?) of this scene based on their performances. I could only determine that not only did this voice actor understand what was up, he made it his personal mission to deliver us levels of flirtatiousness the world can scarcely handle.
Garak sounds so unbelievably flamboyant, dramatic and flirty here that I genuinely can’t listen to this scene without feeling like I’m intruding on their privacy or something. Genuinely gasped when he called him jovencito in that horny tone. Im usually totally biased to Spain’s dubs since I’m from there, but Spain’s version of this scene is so dry that there’s simply no competition. I’m not a big fan of Julian’s voice actor here cause I think his voice is a bit too deep, but I’m in love with Garak’s
S03E18 ’Distant Voices’
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine "Past Tense, Pt. 1"
Reblog if it's the same year as it was yesterday, 2024
why are we not all in the streets screaming and tearing out our hair over this. did you see his fucking outfit.
Garashir as text posts!
I think the turbolift is stuck…
I continue to underestimate you, Garak. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE • 2.05 “Cardassians”