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just learned about farming simulator

I mean, I already knew about it, but I just learned about it

Did you know that the target audience for Farming Simulator is actual real-world farmers? Because I didn’t. I just assumed that farmers probably don’t want to go home from a day of farming to do some (presumably highly inaccurate) virtual farming?

Like, imagine if the target audience for Power Washing Simulator was actual professional power washers.

Farming Sim gets sponsored by companies and shit to put ads in their games. But since the game is for farmers, all of the ads target farmers. Advertising products that, realistically, only farmers would be interested in. Aka John Deere tractors and shit.

There’s a fucking farming sim esports league. Where do they play? Agriculture conventions. not gaming conventions. agriculture conventions.

post cancelled this is way funnier

My buddy who is a farmer has the type of planter that drives itself across the field using GPS at a steady speed, and he just needs to turn it around at the end of each row. He added a little folding desk to his chair and plays farming simulator on it while he plants.

okay playing farming simulator while farming is crazy


Much can be learned by playing around. Mechanics is like this. Once you know the basics and have cut your teeth on a few textbook exercises you can set up toy problems of your own and see where they take you. It’s the same for EM, only the teething process is a bit longer. The problems tend to be more computationally tedious. But a computer helps a lot with that, and then you can play around with Python or something and now you’re learning something new. It’s not coding per se but it’s fun and interesting. I’m reminded of how I learned to type because I wanted to save the things I wrote on a computer, and that process was a lot easier than sitting down and going through typing exercises. There’s a place for more rigid and formal learning, certainly, but play will yield a lot, is what I’m saying.


Kind of wild to imagine being a Greenlander farmer in the late 1400s, living at the absolute geographic limit that your society's mode of production will allow, to the point where you're heavily supplementing your diet with seal hunting, and when the new neighbors show up they come from the north, whale hunters who in just a few centuries have spread from the Bering Strait to almost all of arctic North America.


does there exist a reasonable calendar system such that solstices and equinoxes are on the same day every year?


there is a bar within walking distance that does trivia nights but the trivia is bad and the drinks are expensive. whats a girl gotta do to be a townie around here


I can't believe that Joe Biden's final act as president was an executive order making anime characters real and the media is silent on this like they are with all of his wins.


any mutuals with a rotary washing line wanna play goon of fortune next summer?


While I'm posting here and no longer under any obligation to rep the company, I might as well share this incredibly funny story from behind the scenes that I don't think ever got out: Due to the constant problems we had around "The Chaser" being also a name of a sex thing online (you would not BELIEVE the kind of confused fan mail I had to sort through), in 2019 we had very seriously planned to rebrand our online channels.

After a laborious process whittling down hundreds of potential names we settled on another alcohol related term, a popular Australian slang term for wine, as we thought that was in the spirit of "The Chaser" but also uniquely Australian.

Literally the only reason we didn't end up rebranding was the whole company fell into an omnishambles in 2020, and we were all too busy both figuratively and literally putting out fires to even think about doing a full company rebrand.

And that, my friends, is how The Chaser through sheer dumb luck, managed to avoid what would have gone down as possibly one of the worst company rebrands in the history of everything, when that same name came to mean something else VERY different a few years later:


it would be hilarious if it wasn’t annoying how on this site “living in the west/USA is a privilege over most people in the world and you are generally better off than someone in afghanistan” is a controversial take that makes people mad at you


as painful as it is to witness the untrammeled slaughter of the population of gaza, as doubly painful as it is to watch our own government yield again and again to israeli demands for ever more financing and diplomatic support, we can at least take solace in the qualified approval of the scholars of the future, who will be forced to concede that, throughout this madness, some americans stood on the right side of history

we can take, for example, the inspiring example of the student protest movt, whose brave members risked body and freedom to occupy that most crucial of industrial chokepoints: college campus quads. or the numerous street demonstrations throughout the country whose economic effects often nearly matched the potency of a scheduled half-marathon. or that guy who lit himself on fire for some infuckingscrutable reason. or the innumerable hordes of internet nobodies who tirelessly dedicated hours of their time every day to one-upping each other about the depths of their hatred for zionism and zionists in the most embarrassing and public manner possible. these heroes, these selfless martyrs, will have surely won themselves plaudits and aureoles among the hosts of historys blessed, a sweet if distant consolation for their failures in concretely stemming the genocide they spend half their waking hours fulminating over


The decade you’re given is the decade to which you’re transported. Your geographic location doesn’t change; only the time period changes. “Equivalent QOL” means a qualify of life that approximates the life you have now and anticipate being able to have in the future.

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