@gallantcalamity on Tumblr

Wat u doin here?

@gallantcalamity /

Gonna be honest, kinda just vibin' aboot here with no real goal or anythin'.

somehow instead of saying "as a treat", I've started using the phrase "for morale", as if my body is a ship and its crew, and I (the captain) have to keep us in high spirits, lest we suffer a mutiny in the coming days.

and so I will eat this small block of fancy cheese, for morale. I will take a break and drink some tea, for morale. I will pick up that weird bug, for morale.

I'm not sure if it helps, but it does entertain me


We often eat pie at work...for morale.


"As a treat" implies a special occasion, a temporary state. "For morale" makes the joy essential, because you have to have good morale to keep going.



when a song ascends through its meme status

this is now officially my funeral song 

This… Is honestly amazing… Imagine putting this with a final boss where it feels like fighting is hopeless, but you continue to fight, not wanting to go down with out a fight. You’ve come too far to give up now… Perfect.

dont know what i was expecting just not that

Oh fuck off, this has no right to be this good.


The Shape of Ideas

Oh by the way I once attended a writing seminar in early high school and the journalist/author presenting it insisted that you have to keep a notebook on you at all times and write down EVERYTHING that even remotely grabs your interest. Like yeah you’ll end up with a notebook full of “this guy at the coffee shop tried to carry 4 drinks without a cup holder and absolutely ate shit and then asked for a mop so sadly you could almost physically see the rain cloud above his head” but you also now have a great way to describe a similar scene in your book.

My postgrad writing class had a vignette assignment, and the task was to make the most boring setting sound as interesting as possible in 300 words. I won, because I wrote about the security guard at the cafeteria checking till slips and how tired everyone looked because it was exam season, like much better than that though, and people were actually shocked silent for a good 3 minutes after I read mine aloud.

Anything can be a good idea, it just depends on the value you attach to it and the effort you’re willing to put into it. I made a vignette about a security guard checking receipts sound like Shakespeare (in the words of one of my classmates) because I didn’t say “the security guard diligently checks every receipt as students leave to continue exam prep” I got his name and said “as tired as the students are of repetition and reviewing this time of the semester, they don’t hold a candle to Steve, who faces the repetitive reviewing of students’ receipts every day for the whole year and never fails” and like, is it my best work? Nah I was exhausted and it was exam season, but I managed to use the humanity of the experience to give life to my writing. I wanted to do Steve justice, so I gave him life in my writing.

Any silly little idea you’ve ever had has value, it all just comes down to whether or not you choose to pursue it. I like older fiction writing because a huge chunk of it is exposition, and it’s floral, and I know that’s not everyone’s thing but I absolutely love reading about Elvira’s drive up to her cousin Jeffrey in her old blue Ford fiesta, with her mongrel coward dog in the back seat.

A lot of modern writing forgoes exposition because the current trendy assumption is that people don’t want to be explained at when they read fiction, and that people’s attention spans are too short for exploring the mechanics of a world and they just want to get to the plot, but I think there’s value in talking about the guy eating shit with four drinks in hand and asking for a mop, even if it has no bearing on the plot. It gives your story life, and it does the people you base it on justice.


Let these be the photos that mark tonight.

This evening, Rep. Al Green of Texas was forcibly removed from the joint session of Congress by the sergeant-at-arms for standing up and yelling “You have no mandate to cut Medicaid.” during the president’s address.

“He is a person who has consistently used incivility against civility,” Green said. 
“I’m willing to suffer whatever punishment is available to me,” he continued. “I didn’t say to anyone, ‘Don’t punish me.’ I’ve said I’ll accept the punishment, but it’s worth it to let people know that there are some of us who are going to stand up against this president’s desire to cut Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security.”
“This is about the people who are being punished by virtue of losing their health care,” he added. “This is the richest country in the world, and we have people who don’t have good health care.” (Per HuffPost)

ty for stealing this one much appreciated

people in the notes suggesting it was "improper" for the juror to do this or that it "introduced bias" to the court proceeding 🙄 the ice agent in question accused a moc of assaulting him / resisting arrest. how is the agent being a white supremacist not relevant. what universe are you living in


As a member of the world’s SECOND oldest profession, I assure you this is just one of many ways the justice system is systematically fucked up.

For anyone who wants to know how to fact check something you are told while on jury duty without getting fined:

First, you need to understand that the rule that jurors can’t just google things is coming from a good place. Like imagine that you are on a jury that’s considering, say, a medical malpractice lawsuit and one of your fellow jurors comes into the jury room and says to you, “I think the victim’s expert was lying because WebMD totally contradicts everything they said.”

And you might be like, “But WebMD is notoriously unreliable website and the expert you’re talking about is a researcher from Mayo Clinic.” But this person cannot be swayed.

Like, we can all agree that would be bad.

So even though these rules can contribute to unjust outcomes as in the case above (and seriously, the fact that the defense attorney didn’t fact check that is probably grounds for legal malpractice), they also prevent jurors from just looking up bullshit online and taking it more seriously than the actual experts the court has put on. And I think in the era of anti-vaxxers/QAnon/COVID denial/etc., we can all understand why it’s a bad idea to trust that people can tell fact from bullshit online.

So in light of this, how do you as a juror fact check something?

The key here is that you have to ask the court for information. Jurors can ask questions of the court during deliberations, so if something you said sounds off to you, you can ask for more information.

The key term you want to use here is “credibility.”

The job of a jury is to decide what are called “questions of fact.” Long before the trial even starts, lawyers will have hashed out all the “questions of law” --- like, what the statute of limitations is; what laws, exactly, were allegedly broken; whether the court you’re in even has jurisdiction; stuff like that. Jurors are responsible for deciding which side’s version of the facts has more credibility.

For instance, if the prosecution’s witness says X and the defense’s witness says Y, the jury is responsible for deciding which is true, X or Y. And you do this by weighing which one is more credible.

So in this case, if the juror had known to, he could have told the judge, “In order to properly assess the ICE agent’s credibility, I need more information about his tattoo. I have doubts about whether he was telling the truth about it, which would impact how credible I would find his testimony. Can the agent please provide evidence that it really is what he says it is?”

There are a lot of problems with our legal system, and I think one of the biggest is that jurors aren’t educated about what they can and can’t do. Juries have a lot of power, if (and only if) they know how to use it.


Reblogging for that last post, because frankly, “what to do as a juror” is one of those things the schools should really be teaching us. Serving on a jury is one of the most powerful rights of citizenship and everyone should be educated in how to exercise it correctly.



This is The Adjuster (Robin Hoodie, Guy That Shot the CEO, etc.):

And this is Luigi Mangione:

And yes, they are both super cool and hot as fuck but remember, they are two different people. The Adjuster has not been found and Luigi was never involved in the shooting.

Do not talk about them as if they are the same person and do not further spread the idea that Luigi is guilty.


The adjuster left behind a backpack filled with monopoly money but no evidence, and carved "deny, defend, depose" into the bullet casings. That in itself is clear enough he doesn't need a manifesto.

Luigi was found days later, doesnt match some of the CCTV footage that is claimed to be the adjuster, somehow was still carrying a gun and an incoherent manifesto that opened by praising the police. Worth noting that the NYPD is known for planting evidence and has had 378 convictions overturned due to "officers' misconduct, [and] false testimony"


Friends, A grassroots movement is calling on all Americans to abstain from shopping with major retailers — including Amazon — tomorrow, February 28, as part of an “economic blackout.” The purpose is to send a clear message: We have the power. We don’t have to accept corporate monopolies. We don’t have to live with corporate money corrupting our politics. We don’t have to accept more tax cuts for billionaires. We don’t have to pay more of our hard-earned cash to Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos or Mark Zuckerberg or the other billionaire oligarchs. We don’t have to reward corporations that have abandoned their DEI policies to align themselves with Trump’s racist, homophobic, misogynistic agenda. We have choices. Most Americans are struggling to keep up. Most live from paycheck to paycheck. Most can barely afford housing costs, food prices, and pharmaceuticals — kept high by monopolies, and fueled by private equity. If politicians won’t hear the voices of average Americans who are being shafted by corporate America, we have to deliver our message to corporate America directly. From midnight tonight to midnight Friday night, please: No Amazon, no Walmart, no Best Buy, no Target, no Disney, no Google, no Facebook. Don’t spend on fast food, major retailers, or gas. Avoid using credit or debit cards to make nonessential purchases. Buy essentials such as medicine, food, and emergency supplies, of course, but make those purchases at small, local businesses. Consider this a test run. If lots of people participate, I’m sure a longer one will be organized. (Tomorrow’s economic blackout is an initiative of The People’s Union USA, which describes itself as a “grassroots movement dedicated to economic resistance, government accountability, and corporate reform.”)' I hope you'll join. What do you think?



While renaming the Gulf of Mexico to Gulf of America, Trump also renamed the Alaskan mountain Denali to Mt. McKinley. It was named Denali by the Koyukon Athabaskans for centuries until a gold prospector came around and decided to rename it when exploring the area. The name wasn't properly restored until the Obama administration rectified the change in 2015 after a decades long campaign from the state of Alaska and Native Alaskan groups within.

I'm going INSANE over people forgetting Denali in all of this


can he sit on your dash for a minute?? he'll be very polite :]

you have to start to scroll away and then come back and reblog this


Took me until about halfway through college before I realized “study” means “play with the material in a variety of ways until you understand it” and not just “read the assigned chapters and do the homework” and I think that probably should have been discussed at some point prior to that.


I needed this drag. Let’s change guys and not look back

working out your brain is a must!!

• hydrate it by drinking lots of water

• eat dark chocolate and blueberries and walnuts and salmon and other foods high in antioxidants!!

• play little brain games on your phone; I like wordconenct! anything that makes you think!

• read books. It’s simple but necessary. Even better - join a book club, or read with a friend, so you can have discussions after. This will improve your reading comprehension.

• do puzzles - it doesnt have to be sudoku, I love playing Beat Saber on the Oculus Rift because it makes my brain have to match colorful patterns to physical movements very quickly!

• learn a new dance - even a tik tok trendy dance. Learning new dance moves are proven to strengthen synapses!!

• go bird watching, or foraging, or anything outdoors that requires you to explore pattern recognition and visual searching

• watch a movie with the intent of analysis - this is best done with a cinephile friend!! talk about tropes and symbolism and character growth

• cross stitch, or sew, or do anything that requires matching nimble hand movements to patterns

• play or learn an instrument!

• develop a consistent sleep schedule (or as close to consistent as you can get!)

• when eating, try to identify the ingredients and flavors you’re perceiving!

I hope this helps :)

I like how this went from me feeling like “hm why is this attacking me 🤨” at first, but feeling grateful seeing an added guide on a genuine expansion on a “ how to” work out the brain. This genuinely helps a bunch. People find solace in doing activities that get them through life by doing said activities of phone/tv or if that’s all they’ve ever known in their life to get them through things + etc tho. However, this was very impt to point out. Slowly beginning incorporating things to work the brain in ones own time.

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