Dazatronyx - black russian
"Eliminate the tag strips, go pure PTP, will eliminate the ugly bolts on the enclosure face.
- that's exactly what I used to think (pure P2P over tagstrip). Even a turret board lets you at least have guided control over parts placement. Tagstrip also means you have generic antennas/nodes floating everywhere, whether you want them or not.
It's definitely not a build of sensibility. Especially with the big ugly Frakenstein bolts. I used to work on tagstrip in a tube amp factory and didn't like it. It's really grown on me over the years, though.
Some point-to-point work looks really pretty, but also is very much a downgrade in reliability to a PCB. You need to secure the parts mechanically. Otherwise, you get a lot more microphonics. I also like to imagine what happens when you drop a pedal, and there's lots of inertia and all the parts shift without mechanical support
Even gravity plays a part! All the parts are "hanging" but sometimes you flip the pedal in transport etc and parts over time lean a tiny, tiny one way. You can only bend a wire, say, a dozen times back and forth before it snaps. Little stresses over years of repetitions add up.
Yeah, the aesthetic is trying to look intentionally DIY. Like an old guy made it from the parts at the shop around the corner. Could have used something more dressy/discrete, which also wouldn't capture boot mud in that little well."