Achim Szepanski, Thomas Nails “Theory of the OBject” (6). 2022
Hunger, F. (2023). Punktwolken. Scatterplots und Tabellen als User-Interfaces Künstlicher 'Intelligenz'. Zenodo. S. 12
„Nur bringen Scatterplots ihre ganz eigenen Probleme mit sich, denn es bleibt, ebenso wie in den zugrundeliegenden gewichteten Netzen (den Convolutional Neural Networks) intransparent, wie sich in ihnen ‚Ähnlichkeit‘ tatsächlich konstituiert. Der Erkenntnisgewinn aus ‚Ähnlichkeitsverteilungen‘ ist daher begrenzt. Andere visuelle Metaphern oder Ordnungsprinzipien sollten weiter erforscht werden.“ S. 35
"méfiez-vous des représentations cartographiques qui vous plongent dans l’apathie et rappelez-vous que les cartes ne sont jamais neutres."
"The complexity and multi-layered nature of “topos” as a category, historically going back to antiquity, provides an opportunity to systematize the interdependencies between categorial elements in the concrete research design. The starting point was the “relationality” of topoi – i.e. the assumptions that a topos needs to be (re)constructed in relation to other topos concepts and that the category “topos” should be defined in relation to other categories. The basic principles observable in this specific context of the development and application of categories are transferable to other contexts. The paper proposes a typology differentiating vertical, horizontal, heuristic and episte"
"A decision in designing the conceptual model is that categories and categorial relations can be organized within a heuristic space. [...] The heuristic space consists of three axes: In addition to the vertical and horizontal relations, there is the diagonal relation between categories that do not belong to the same class. [...] Another important conceptual distinction of the spatial model are three different levels: The level of the textual surface refers directly to the object of investigation, e.g. a text corpus. On the opposite side lies a deep structure, which represents the level of theoretical concepts or interpretations of the realm of phenomena. In the middle or in the space in between, categories and concepts operate, building a bridge between the other two levels."
Maria Hinzmann: Categorial Relations in (Re)constructing Topoi and in (Re)modeling Topology as a Methodology: Vertical, horizontal, heuristic and epistemological interdependencies. Digital Humanities Quarterly Volume 17 Number 3 2023
major conferences of the Afro-Asian era in the 1950s and 1960s, including locations, delegates, delegate biographies, and country of origin
Tobias Morawski, Reclaim Your City. Assoziation A 2014, S. 141
Dagmar Pelger
Turkic World Map Mahmud Kashgari’s map of the Turkic world from the late 11th century. North is on the left. The thick orange lines are mountains. Green is water.
Found here.
Institut für Klassismusforschung - Recherche zum Privarismus, d.h. der Strategie, mit Privatstädten das Wahlrecht der Arbeiter*innenklasse zu umgehen.
“Movements of a fly on a window from 8am to 7pm one day in May, 1967” Walter Marchetti - 1967
map of this tumblr account in obsidian markdown
2008 mapping of "missed connections" posts on Craigslist. Very Small Array blog
Kein Tag und Nacht ohne Linie, keine Linie ohne Zug, kein Zug ohne Wellen.
Barrikaden Berlin 1848