Back with another stuckage-related idea. The greedy tiny that got itself stuck in a jar or similar, and their owner simply lets them stay stuck... Even though it is embarrassing, the tiny doesn't mind too much, since it still gets fed and that keeps them happy. But then one day the owner brings home another tiny, a perfectly normal skinny one that flaunts itself around the poor stuck tiny 😈
Yesss. Maybe even tapping the glass over the other tiny's fat, straining tummy, hopping around nimbly in ways the fattened tiny can't—or holding food juuuust out of the fat, trapped tiny's reach, making them struggle and kick their legs and push the opening of the jar they're stuck in with all their might in their efforts to unstuck themselves to get another morsel until they're absolutely out of breath, no less wedged in there than they were to begin with...