I’m finally playing DA:V and I remain sad Fenris never shows up in the later games but also that’s good, he deserves to be left alone. In my mind he’s galavanting around Tevinter killing slavers with Hawke.
Fenhawke Week, Day 3: Colors
Fenris is dressed in black.
Dorian’s tailor deserves at least twice as much as he’s already given him, Hawke decides, because he looked at Fenris and figured out exactly how dangerous he was, and now every magister in Minrathous is going to know it, too. It’s formal attire that doesn’t even pretend not to be armor. It’s a glossy, terrible black, leather and cloth and hard, sharp angles and heavy silver buckles that glitter malevolently against the dark. Fenris’s hair has never looked so white, his eyes so green. He wears black gloves and a high collar, and there isn’t a trace of lyrium in sight. The magisters already know Fenris is a threat—there’s no need to encourage admiration of Danarius’s handiwork. Fenris doesn’t need the lyrium to look like what he is: a conqueror, an avenger, a champion.
He’s going to bring this whole blighted empire to its knees.
“Hawke,” Fenris repeats, brow furrowed. “I asked if you were ready.”
Hawke stands up in a daze. Fenris opens his mouth again; Hawke reaches out to press a finger to his lips. Fenris frowns in confusion, but stays silent. Hawke gently takes Fenris’s shoulders and turns him around, pushing him down onto the couch with infinite care and lowering himself into Fenris’s lap. Fenris stares up at him with wide startled eyes. Hawke is bigger than Fenris; this position is usually the other way around. He has to hitch up his robes to get his knees comfortably situated on either side of Fenris’s thighs. The lines of Fenris’s armor feel as solid and as comforting as the lines of his body.
“Hawke, why—” Fenris starts, but Hawke cups his face gently and kisses him, soft and unhurried. “Shh,” Hawke whispers, and kisses him again, drawing sweet, longing sounds from Fenris’s throat.
After a while, Fenris manages, “We’ll be late.”
“We won’t be late,” Hawke murmurs. Fenris is pliant and trusting beneath him, his arms wrapped tightly around Hawke’s back, anchoring him. A part of Hawke’s brain is tracking how much time they have before they leave to make their social debut as the future Liberator of Minrathous and his faithful consort. It’s the same part that’s been wary and terrified ever since Fenris brought him to this hateful country, cataloguing every misstep, every possible mistake that could get them killed. But right now, that all feels very far away.
There’s just Fenris: Fenris’s warm mouth and soft shining hair and glorious, humbling courage. Fenris, cold and deadly in black and white, except for the one flare of bright red at his wrist, which Hawke captures and kisses, tucking his fingers between red cloth and black leather. Fenris sighs in pleasure, taking what Hawke can give him: comfort, loyalty, love.
Fenris is the strongest man Hawke knows, and Hawke’s just going to have to trust him to get them through this.
When it’s time, Hawke pulls back and smiles at Fenris, who looks content and peaceful and ready. Hawke climbs out of his lap and pulls him up, straightening both their clothes and fixing Fenris’s hair.
“What was that for?” Fenris murmurs, catching Hawke’s hand and twining their fingers together.
“What do you think?” Hawke says, pressing one last tender kiss to Fenris’s jaw.
“Mmm,” Fenris says. He looks at Hawke’s pale grey robes and smiles slightly. “I see we match,” he says, playing with the red belt at Hawke’s waist.
“I’ve always thought so,” Hawke says lightly. He pulls his hand away and rearranges them so that he’s holding onto Fenris’s crooked arm.
“Ah, yes,” Fenris said drily. “You’re my eternally supportive bride, who is not at all the most powerful battlemage in Thedas.”
“We’ve been over this.” Hawke smiled winningly. “Your job is to kill blood mages, free slaves, and terrify everybody at the fancy dress parties. My job is to look pretty.”
“At least one of us is up to the task,” Fenris says, and while Hawke’s still trying to work that out, Fenris tugs him forward and leads him into the light of the Tevinter sun.
Last year I had the pleasure to draw a soft Fenhawke for a zine (if the post office allows me to get my copy ONE DAY) and I can finally share it here so tadaa! I know, it's more a winter spirit drawing but hey, I'm weak to share a little more of Hawke and Fenris, riding back home together!
Hope you like it !
the crew disbanded, walked their own paths – so did they.
and meet again as a long time passed.
Turns out, it was Fenris who led Hawke to some strange places, not the other way around. Word began spreading of a white wolf who hunted slavers along the Imperial Highway, bringing renewed hope to the elves of Thedas until the Champion was called upon once more…
My contribution for the @afterkirkwall zine.
A big thank you for everyone who participated and supported us and thank you to our Maestro, @laugan-art for putting it all together!
A little sneaky peek on my piece for the @afterkirkwall fan-zine.
Now I get to start my favourite part: putting down colors!
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dragon Age II Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Fenris/Male Hawke Characters: Fenris (Dragon Age), Hawke (Dragon Age), Blue!Hawke Additional Tags: Character Study, Post-Kirkwall, POV Second Person, i’m so sorry i thought it was a good idea at the time Summary:
Fenhawke on the run after the destruction of Kirkwall’s Chantry. The daily desperate monotony of life as a fugitive, and the dread of wanting too many things that are no longer yours to have.
Click for the complete comic, I hope it works!
Fenris Appreciation Months Day 4 - Post Game
Prompt! Post-Inquisition Hawke and Fenris are back living in Kirkwall. One day while in Lowtown together a group of elves recognize Fenris and begin to profusely thank and praise him for saving them from slavers some time ago. How flustered would he be to be getting more attention than the Champion for once?
This is a bit meandering. Hope it’s ok anyway! Thanks for the suggestion!
“Truly, some things never change.”
Fenris said it loftily, his shoulders back, his chin lifted.There was something almost arrogant in his half-lidded gaze, and if Hawke hadnot known him half as well as he did he might have only seen what he presented,and not the deeper feelings that lurked beneath. Pity, sympathy, sorrow. Hawkeforced himself to take another look around.
Living in Kirkwall for as long as he had tended to have a desensitizingeffect. Being away for a few years hadn’t corrected that yet. Hawke caught hiseyes scanning over the dirty details of the docks as if the filthy laborers,the prostitutes, the beggars, the hordes of homeless scamps were all simply abackdrop, furnishings to color the otherwise drab surroundings.
Hawke had been one of those wretches, once. Hungry,desperate, filthy. He forced himself to see them, consciously, deliberately.
The whore on the corner had been a friend of Carver’s,before her dismissal from the Rose for theft. The years and the streets had notbeen kind, either one. She was missing three fingers and four teeth, and herbreasts sagged like deflated balloons in the thin, shapeless shift she wore asa dress. Hawke didn’t know if she would recognize him; she vanished into alopsided wooden building with three grinning sailors before he could catch hereye.
A group of elven laborers passed them, smelling like rottenfish and stale sweat. Many of them were bare chested, their seawater-damp shirtswrapped around their heads to help with the heat of the day, and Hawke couldsee the bones of their shoulder blades press hungrily against swarthy skin,could count their individual ribs, and the prominent ridge of vertebrae thatmade up each of their spines.
A group of street urchins ran past, their ages spanning fromfour to eight, all so universally dirty that it was impossible to pick outdetails like hair color or gender. One had a hacking cough that warned of afluid in the lungs, and Hawke wondered with a guilty pang just how they madedo, after the loss of their healer.
Fenris watched him, and when he knew he had really seen thesuffering that was so easy to take for normal, he touched his hand, and drewhis gaze back to himself.
“You spend so long wrapped up in just trying to survive,”Hawke said. He laced his fingers through the elf’s, and felt stronger just forthe contact. “But this is what we’re here for, isn’t it? To help Varric help…this?Ease some of the pain?”
Fenris surprised him with a smile. “Yes,” he said, beforehis expression grew somber again. “Maker knows if anything will ever be enough.”
Hawke squeezed his hand before it gently slipped away.
Kirkwall had become home, somehow, no matter how far Hawketravelled or how long he spent away, and it didn’t matter that its inhabitantshad basically run him out. Even their visit to Lothering, their intimatewedding, the years they spent on their little farm, with Hawke’s sheep andFenris’s chickens – nothing had changed the feeling Hawke had that Kirkwall belonged to him.
He had spent too long away.
At first Hawke thought the cry that rose up behind them wasthe result of one of the urchins being caught with sticky fingers. It was only whenhe heard the sound of bare feet running to catch up that he realized otherwise.
“Hey, wait up! It’s you!”
Hawke had been concerned that this would happen – and heknew that running away wouldn’t be dignified. It had only been a matter of timebefore someone recognized Kirkwall’s returning Champion. He’d hoped it wouldtake a little longer, though.
Hawke turned, reluctantly. It was one of the elven laborers –a former Dalish, by the marks on his face. There were strange, broad scars on hisneck and his wrists, and one of his ears had been cropped. Starvation madethose huge elven eyes seem to take up the entirety of his face. He looked, notangry, but awed – like a man who was beholding the visage of the Maker himself.
And it wasn’t Hawke he was looking at.
“It’s you!” he said again, and he took one of Fenris’s handsin both of his own. He seemed unaware of the way the other elf stiffened at theunwanted and unexpected touch. Hawke shifted, ready to intervene. “Do youremember me?” the strange asked, eagerly, eyes shining with admiration, andbefore Fenris could answer he was looking over his shoulder and shouting to thefellows he had broken away from. “Del! Farrol! It’s him.”
Two more elves approached, also former Dalish, as filthy andstarved as any other they had seen, unnoticeable in their normality, the waysthey were similar to so many other elves in Kirkwall.
“You remember us, don’t you?” the first asked, eager,gripping Fenris’s hand.
Hawke was unfamiliar with the particular look on his husband’sface. Abashed, almost, embarrassed, and there was a distinct moment whenrecognition struck him. He stopped trying to reclaim his hand, staring.
“I,” he said, then, “Yes.”
“Fenris?” Hawke asked.
The other elves came closer. They took turns taking hishand, even as Fenris began to look more and more uncomfortable. Hawke frowned,feeling his brow draw down, his jaw grow tight. Fenris looked absolutely lostwhen he looked at him, a fact that made Hawke even more ready yet to step in.
“They,” Fenris said, and hesitated.
“Tevinters wiped out our clan,” one of the elvesvolunteered, as Fenris blinked at him. “Slavers. He – lord Fenris, he killedthem,” the elf beamed. “He killed them all.”
Fenris cleared his throat. He finally slipped his hand away.“Yes,” he said. “Well. You’re welcome.”
I’d gotten a little overdosed with fluff with these two. (I mean, fluff is great! But in order to fully appreciate it, I think you need some angst from time to time - for contrast). Or maybe I just like to see them sharing emotional moments and being supportive of each other.
So… Inquisition. idk what business they have there in these outfits. Lets say, some time after his quest, Hawke decides to share the details of his near-death experience, voices his doubts and maybe some more unpleasant thoughts. This is Hawke, I’m sure he has a lot on his plate.
And by “more unpleasant thoughts” I mean the idea that Hawke actually volunteered to stay in the Fade, and was willing to sacrifice himself. Makes you wonder about his… resolve to stay alive. So Fenris is reacting to that.
retirement is a good look on you (but we’ll choose someplace warmer next month)
fenris appreciation month day 4: “post-game”
fen goes on to spend his days hunting slavers in fereldan (hence the heavier armor, for warmth ofc), and there is no doubt that hawke joins him.
armor: [x]
The Promise
I was never satisfied not knowing the context/dialogue around how Fenris got Hawke’s red favor/family shield so I decided to depict my own headcanon, featuring my Hawke.
In the game, I hated not being able to comfort Fenris and tell him that I would be there, no matter what. So Fenris, this one is for you. <3
Some of this was drawn from reference, some not.
A BIG thank you to @minwrathous for being my editor, Photoshop consultant, feel/angst specialist, moral support worker and just an awesome human being.
I wrote a little something for Fenhawke week! Takes place in between DA2 and Inquisition.
A room was three coppers, but four if you wanted the stew for dinner.
Hawke paid the coppers, his hood kept low to shield from the rain and inquisitive eyes. He and Fenris ate the stew, which was really more of a watered down broth, in an empty corner of the inn and away from the crowded fire that they both longed for.
The room was small and dark with no washbin and the bed smelled like moldy straw. It likely was moldy straw Fenris reminded himself. It was also half the size of the one at the Hawke estate.
Hawke didn’t seem to care. He collapsed into it immediately, pausing only long enough to kick off his boots and cloak.
He lay with his head on his arm, looking as exhausted as Fenris felt. The months on the road were showing on him. His hair and beard were shaggy and dull and there were dark circles under his eyes.
The Champion didn’t wear his burden so well anymore.
He must have noticed Fenris watching him because he mumbled a sleepy, “C'mere.”
“Is there enough room?” Fenris asked as he pulled his cloak and shirt off. “I’m not sure if we’ll both fit on this one, Hawke.”
“We will,” Hawke said as Fenris lay down next to him. “I don’t need much room.” - Fenris snorted at that - “And get closer.”
“I don’t think I can,” Fenris laughed, but he did anyway, tangling his legs in with Hawke’s and wiggling in closer until there was no space between them.
Hawke immediately wrapped his big arms around him and pulled him against his chest. He rested his chin on top of his head, nose pressed into his hair and his toes rubbed against his ankle. “Missed this,” he said.
“Just from last night?”
Fenris huffed a laugh and then, “I did too,” he said, pressing closer. Tucked into Hawke like that, nose against his neck and breathing him in with Hawke’s warmth keeping the cold out, Fenris could almost forget everything else.
He could almost forget that they were on the run. He could almost forget the Templars hunting them. He could almost forget the vivid green tear in the sky and the troubling silence from Varric.
Instead, he focused on the prickle of Hawke’s beard against his cheek and the warmth of his breath against his forehead. He listened to the steady beat of Hawke’s heart and felt the Lyrium under his skin stir lazily in reaction to the magic under Hawke’s own.
Tucked into Hawke like this, there was nowhere he would rather be.
“Is this everything you thought it would be?” Hawke asked above him, as though he could sense his thoughts. “Being on the run?“
"You forget I’ve been on the run before.”
Hawke laughed. “Well I had sort of hoped my company made it better this time around.”
Fenris smiled into his neck. “It does,” he said. “I much prefer this sort of being on the run.”
“Wish we could go somewhere warm,” Hawke mumbled. “I’m sick of being so bloody cold all the time.”
“I’ve always wanted to see Rivain,” Fenris said thoughtfully and rubbed his palms up and down Hawke’s back to warm him. “I’ve never had the chance, but always wanted to.”
Hawke’s arms momentarily tightened around him. “We’ll go,” he promised. “Have Isabela sail us down there. We’ll take a break.”
“Really?” Fenris asked, brows raised even though Hawke couldn’t see it. “You think you could stay out of trouble for long?”
“Of course,” Hawke said confidently and Fenris snorted. “We’ll do nothing but drink and lay on the beach. Do whatever we want. Just the two of us and no distractions.”
Fenris was quiet for a while. “I would like that,” he said finally.
He felt Hawke’s lips against his hairline. “Then you’ll get it,” he said. “We’ll go away together. Right after all this madness ends.”
Fenris kissed Hawke’s collarbone, right above his heart. At that moment, he wasn’t thinking about anything else besides the two of them.
“I would like that very much,” he said.