#fluff – @fuckyeahmhawkefenris on Tumblr


@fuckyeahmhawkefenris /

Welcome to fuck yeah m!hawke & fenris (fenhawke, hawris - you name it), for all of your shipping needs.
These charming lads are from Bioware's Dragon Age 2, and this blog is dedicated to them.
Be wary of spoilers, and enjoy your stay!
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Fenris and female Hawke have their own blog

Hi!!! Happy Friday <3 I'm here with a fluffy prompt, for either Autumn & Anders or Adrian & Fenris (whoever you prefer!!) post-Kirkwall! From the romance of hands and touches prompts, "pillow" (one pats the pillow next to them, encouraging the other to climb in bed beside them)


fluff is hard 😂 but after that kiss prompt I felt that Adrian and Fenris deserved some fluff - or something close. Even if fluff isn't my wheelhouse.

So a bit of post DA2 FenHawke attempted fluff for @dadrunkwriting



once upon a time i was feeling very fluffy and i wrote this

i am no fic writer i just wrote it down so i could remember what was in my head, but i figured, hell ill post it


Fenris and Hawke laid in his grand king bed while the morning sun streamed in through the window.  Fenris was still drowsy, as it always took him longer to wake up, but Hawke was all over his sweet elf, not letting last night tire him at all.  Fenris laid on his back looking up at the canopy of Hawke’s bed he knew all too well as he let Hawke ease him awake.  He was surrounded in Hawke’s warmth, holding his big bear and just receiving the shower of worshipping kisses he was so often greeted with every morning.  Fenris didn’t move because he didn’t want to change anything about this moment, cherishing every second he had to drown himself in Hawke’s soft warmth.  It was relaxing, just letting Hawke do a lover’s busy work all over his neck, collarbone, ears and cheeks.  He let his mind go.  As was the nature of Fenris’ mind going loose, he started remembering things that bothered him.  There were so many, and the only times he felt comfortable opening that can was when he was relaxed to think about them constructively.  He was suddenly reminded of a conversation he’d had with the Chantry’s favorite boy..

“I’ve been thinking about what sebastian said..” Fenris began, the first words he spoke that morning, giving the impression he was completely ignoring Hawke’s morning love.  “Have you?” Hawke sloppily asked quietly into his ear in between kisses.

“I’ve tried to consider that it was the Maker who gave me freedom.. It’s not that I think he’s wrong.. But it’s difficult to consider because it just makes me angry… furious.. Because it invalidates my own actions…  by intending it was all planned out, that means I didn’t earn anything.”

Hawke took a short while to respond, he was so busy digging his face into Fenris’ soft hair he was responding in pieces, “I think…” he placed more kisses on Fenris’ neck, “that the Maker gave you hell and you clawed your way out,” the kisses trailed up his jaw, “I think the only part he played was a shitty one and everything else was you,” they trailed up his cheeks, “I think..” Hawke needed a minute to let out a big breath from nuzzling Fenris’ cheek, “that the Maker hates you!” Hawke giggled to himself and dug his head into Fenris’ neck and whispered directly in his ear, “…mmm but youre stronger than him.”

Fenris could feel the scruffy beard smile with quiet laughter and couldn’t help but smile a little as well, “Well he can’t hate me that much.”

Hawke seemed a little surprised.  He pulled his neck up and looked at Fenris in the face, “Mm? Why’s that.”  Fenris who was closing his eyes and grinning, opened them ever so slightly to smirk at Hawke who he could tell was looking at him, “Look what’s on top of me.”

Hawke kicked his head back in soft laughter and repositioned himself on top of his baby, “Aaaaahah noo wrong again..” he kissed Fenris’ nose, “I am here..” he bit its pointy tip making Fenris snuff, “Because I am deeply in love you, and you know why?” Hawke laid his head in the crook of Fenris’ neck and felt Fenris’ soft laughs, “Because of your strength, your accomplishments, and the fact that you made what you are…” Hawke started massaging Fenris’ thighs and continuously leaving lazy kisses on his neck, “I’d say the only thing the maker did was make you unbearably sexy, but that’s it,” Fenris laughed as he continued, “and anyone in their right mind would be in love with you too if they knew you the way I do.” Fenris ran his fingers through Hawke’s hair, still smiling and letting out muffled giggles, “hm not many people do.. As of right now it’s just one.” He kissed Hawke’s head. Hawke gave a tight hug to his elf, “hmhm” he giggled, “and you see I’m lucky.  The Maker blessed me by giving me you. But you? Naa. Nothing was handed to you.  By the Maker or anyone else”

Fenris just stared at Hawke’s drapery again, running his fingers through the longest part of his beefcake’s hair, knowing he was smiling like an idiot because, who the fuck says that.  Hawke couldn’t even be real.  Fenris was convinced Hawke must have looked into the depths of his soul and somehow came out with the most perfect response to everything.  Even when Fenris was convinced that he needed a different kind of comfort, whatever Hawke said ended up calming him down so much he forgot what he thought he needed.  Whatever Hawke said or did in response to the deepest most painful crevices of Fenris’ past, he never fucked up.  Fenris had fucked up himself more than Hawke did.  How did he know.  And how was he so perfect.  After a pause Fenris needed in order to compose his thoughts, all he could say was, “…I’m in love with you.”  He knew it fell utterly short of how he felt but Hawke understood.  Fenris was sure that Hawke understood what caused his pause and his response and how deep he really meant it.  But yet he went on, you know, just to make sure.

“Sometimes it still feels like a trap.. A dream that was set up to make me feel happier than I knew was capable of the living mind. And next thing I know I’ll wake up and be back in Minrathous with everything gone.” Hawke seemed to tense up a little in protest, “If this were a dream,” he said with no trace of laziness left in his voice, “I’d leap out of the dream cloud and kill Danarius in spirit form and then fuck you on top of his corpse.” “Ooh sexy.” Fenris joked.  He could feel Hawke’s beard smile again, “I aim to please.”


And my next request is... *drum roll* SURPRISE, SURPRISE! #22, FENHAWKE EDITION xD


22. Giggly kiss (FenHawke)

Fenris can’t help but let outa soft chuckle as Hawke’s beard scratches against his chin. It’s far fromunpleasant, though it had taken him a while to get used to it. It’s a gentlescratch, more of a brush if anything, reminding Fenris of the differencebetween them. Hawke is a bear of a man, huge and hairy and Fenris wouldn’t havehim any other way.

Hawke pouts against Fenris’slips when he hears the elf laugh. Really, he should be used to Fenris doingthis during their lazy early morning kisses. Fenris is always still half asleepand the atmosphere isn’t enough to distract him from the sensation. While Hawkemay complain about it, he really loves it. He loves Fenris’s laugh, the waythat Fenris has let down his walls and is comfortable to laugh while they kiss.

The elf has to pull away, andhe can’t help but let out a warm laugh when he sees the way that Hawke staresat him. He looks utterly pathetic, entirely disappointed from the loss ofFenris’s lips on his own.Fenris hasn’t stoppedlaughing when he catches Hawke’s lips with his own again and he could swearthat he hears a quiet chuckle come from Hawke.

Thanks for asking~! ^o^)/


Hawke and Fenris for @lokiloo

It is not hesitancy that stills Hawke’s hand- like most things in his life, he reaches to Fenris with sure and steady intention, the movements of someone built around trust and strength, comfortable in the knowledge of what the world holds yet wizened enough to keep it at bay. It is the gentle nature of his hands, however, that has always, and no doubt always will, keep Fenris’s heart beating so fast- fast as footfalls trading rain for shelter, fast at the first night he met Hawke in torn clothes and bloody weapons, fast as the first moment he looked into another man’s and felt only peace. Hawke’s hands cradle him not unlike a babe, firm to hold and yet so very, very gentle. He doesn’t pull Fenris to him so much as guides him, knowing he will lean back- no, not knowing, but trusting. Trusting Fenris to trust him, to treat this simple act of a lover’s embrace as the monumental gift it is. Fenris can recalls little of gentleness in his life, far too accustomed to the hard and gritty of the world. Yet he has seen the hands set upon him tear through demons, seen them wield dagger and fire alike, only to feel them drift across his skin as if he were made of the finest gossamer and lightest silk. He knows what he is made of, knows too well what his own hands can do. Yet here, in this pale morning broken only by the chattering larks by their window, Fenris can feel only a sweet warmth through his bones, the flush of his chest agaisnt his back and the squeeze of Hawke’s hands overshadowed only by the heat of his lips. And Fenris wonders, eyes falling shut against the sweet senses building inside him, if Hawke can feel how hard his heart still beats, his only true possession given over without a second thought. 


To Be Content

Fenhawke fluff. That is all. Avoiding doing some things with writing, so here’s the culmination of that.

I listened to “Lyrium Ghost” by @fontscosplay​ while writing

By all logical measures, it didn’t make sense, Fenris reflected. He lay, trapped within a circle of arms, one leg thrown over his, and yet he felt peaceful, content, even, to remain precisely where he was. Well, maybe not precisely, he thought, squirming a little to readjust.

Hawke snorted in his sleep and pulled Fenris closer. The politics of the city overwhelmed them most days, and some nights, and being able to sleep uninterrupted through the night was still something Fenris was getting used to. Sleeping in was another beast entirely, and Fenris wasn’t sure he’d ever get the hang of that. He woke with the dawn, as ever, but lying awake now wasn’t the hardship it had been for years before.

Lying awake now meant he could savor the weight and warmth of Hawke behind and around him, bask in the no-longer-alarming knowledge that he was safe and loved, that the Champion of the city could no more live without Fenris than Fenris could live without him. Hawke had accepted him back into his life easily enough, though the man’s heart was slower to open again. But when it did, oh, Fenris would remember that day for the rest of his life.

He sighed, a small, happy breath, and carefully rolled over in Hawke’s arms to press his forehead against Hawke’s chest before turning his head up toward the canopy of the bed. Easier to breathe that way, and he’d learned that no matter how comfortable it was to squish his face against that broad expanse of muscle, he needed to breathe.

Hawke blinked his eyes barely open, mumbled something that likely didn’t have a translation into Trade, and mouthed kisses at the crown of Fenris’s head. Legs and arms tightened around him, and Fenris smiled as he heard Hawke’s heartbeat slow again as he dropped back off to sleep. Yes, waking early was no hardship.


Fenris would never know what his life had once been. He would not know if he had been a loving son, or a rebellious one, if he had smiled and joked and ribbed the other slaves or kept his head down and his eyes averted. He did not have a recollection of how much bravery it had taken him to win the honor of his markings, if the contest had been faced arrogantly or easily or with every scrap of everything he had. The faces of friends, of lovers, of rivals, of enemies, they were all the same indistinct blur that barely haunted his dreams.

But sometimes, he thought, he would give them all up again, knowing where the path would lead.

“What?” Hawke asked. “Oh, Maker, what’s that smile for? Do I have something on my face?”

“Something,” Fenris repeated, and handed him a napkin, and motioned to the place where sauce had dribbled into the most famous beard in the Free Marches. Hawke’s brows furrowed as he swiped at it. He missed.

“Better?” Hawke asked, and he was such a contraction, this large man with his farmer’s shoulders straining against a velvet suit jacket, his face so fearsome and yet so concentrated, his hands so rough, and yet so gentle.

“Perfect,” Fenris lied, and across the table Sebastian tried to stifle his laughter into his wine glass, and Hawke frowned, and tried again, and this time he got it, as the party went on around them, the laughter of nobles and the clinking of silverware, the pop of a dozen champagne bottles.

“You think you’re cute, do you elf?” Hawke asked, low, leaning forward. Under the table, Fenris inched his hand up the other man’s thigh.

“No,” he answered, “But you do.”

“A toast,” Sebastian said, “To visiting friends. May Starkhaven always welcome you.”

The other guests lifted glasses. Hawke’s rich amber eyes were fixed only on Fenris.

Anonymous asked:

Okay, so, nsfw: I read that post another anon made about top!Fenris and was suddenly struck with the image of Fenris sinking into Hawke and taking immense pleasure in feeling the mage's thighs tremble against him.

Going to go ahead and post this one too, as it’s kind of a natural follow up to the previous. The entire thing is going under a cut because, well, it’s smut. Albeit very fluffy, mushy smut.


7. I know your weakness. It’s kisses. You are doomed. (Don’t worry. We’re all doomed eventually.) for fenhawke because I am weak for when you write fenhawke.


He runs his fingers through Hawke’sbeard. It was strange at first. Scratching. Uncomfortable. Hawke moves slowly,gently wraps his hands around his wrists, and pulls them away. He leansforward, presses the kiss against his lips. His beard scratches. A comfort. Heflutters those kisses against his cheeks, playful and smiling. Fenris chuckles,low and easy, moves his hands free of Hawke’s grasp. He presses touch againsthis chest, pushing him away without any real strength.

Hawke’s hands are large, roughto feel and never rough to touch. Calloused finger tips, palms, but he holdsFenris in a way he holds nothing else. It’s taken some time to find the rightword for it. Tenderly. He’s seen theway Hawke moves in battle. With brutal efficiency, hard and calculated. It’sdifferent here. Skin against skin, and he flounders softly. Fenris knows he’sthe same way in a fight, but this is no fight. This is a dance, and he thinksHawke might have made him tender too.

His hands rest on Fenris’s hips.They move, up his spine, and one splays between his shoulder blades. He keepshim still with the barest touch. He runs his fingers through Hawke’s beard. Itscratches against his face. “Fen,” he murmurs as his eyes close, touches lipagainst lip. Fenris holds his face in his hands, fingers curling against hischeeks. Wrapping his arms around him, letting himself sink against him. Theysway, leaning against one another, step in time with the other.

His mind is blank, his every thought swept awayby the kiss. Hawke seeks harder, digs deeper, and Fenris opens his mouth tohim, lets tongue touch against tongue. He tastes of echoes, promises, somethingsweeter. So easy to be lost in it, to drown, to let himself be pulled in Hawke’scurrent. He opens his eyes, to see that perched frown between Hawke’s brows, asthough he is a desperate man and Fenris his buoy. He closes his eyes, knowingthey are both ruined by the other. Weak, pulled apart. Built back up by the endof it, something closer, someone loved.

Anonymous asked:

Soft Fenris, warm Fenris, little ball of fur. Happy Fenris, sleepy Fenris, purr purr purr.

The sound of rain on the window made Fenris smile.

Once, rain had meant different things to him. A chance toput some space between himself and her pursuers. The risk of illness. Cold,persistent drips from leaky ceilings.

Now it only meant one thing: that there was a very goodchance of persuading Hawke to spend the day in bed.

Fenris found himself smiling as he stretched beneath the covers.He felt smug, and content, and best of all, warm. It was delicious – the weightof the blankets, the sound of the rain. Hawke’s mattress was so comfortable. He had fought for this, hadearned it, and never had he imagined a day would come where he might so happilyanticipate wasting the day in another man’s bed.

Fenris and Hawke would make love lazily, and afterwards theywould doze in each other’s arms. Whoever woke first would make breakfast, andthey would eat it in bed. It would be a great day.

Fenris smiled to himself when he felt the scratch of Hawke’sbeard against his shoulder, Hawke’s arm sliding around him moments later. Thebig mage shifted, pressing himself against Fenris, covering him with his body,and Fenris laughed.

“Good morning, Hawke,” he murmured, and he felt Hawke smileagainst his skin. He found that place on Fenris’s neck that drove the elfcrazy.

“’m not getting up,” Hawke announced, speech slurred fromsleep. He nuzzled closer, and Fenris felt his smile grow.

He said, “I think that can be arranged.”

Anonymous asked:

Hello! Since I'm weak for the fluff, can I have Hawke coming home after a bad day out, only to find fenris curled up asleep in his bed, wearing his shirt, and possibly cuddling his dog?

There were days that were difficult for Hawke.

He hated the dance, the niceties, the frivolous pointlessdishonest rules of behavior that came along with his place in society. Bowhere. Be witty there. Hold your tongue and smile through the insulting drivel LordSuch-and-whatever somehow had leave to voice in public. It pulled at Hawke,wore him down. He had never been good with people, never been good atpretending. It strained him, having to smile and make nice, having to be, always,completely aware of his every word, every expression, every gesture, lestsomeone take offense.

He was a known apostate whose freedom depended solely on thewhims of society.

Home should have been a solace. Refuge – quiet and familiar.And yet, even after all these years, when he opened the door he still expectedto hear his mother greet him. Sometimes his mind would think he saw her, ashadow at the corner of his eye, smiling and welcoming.

Sometimes he forgot that he was not on speaking terms withhis brother. Sometimes a pretty young heiress with a certain simple perfume anda fall of black hair would make him think of Bethany as she laughed with herfriends.

Sometimes, it hit him all at once.

Inside the entrance to the Amell mansion, Hawke stopped. Helet his back fall against the door as the silence of the house rose up to meethim, to crash against him like a tidal wave. Orana and Bodahn had the day off,and he was alone.

Hawke scrubbed his hands against his face. He was pasttears, now, but exhaustion – ah, exhaustion was ever his companion, and he washome now, spared the zoo of societal games, but now there was nothing left todistract him.

His shoulders were heavy, his steps slow. He left his bootsin the entrance hall, his staff in the sitting room. Dragging himself up thestairs, he wondered if it was worth drawing a bath. He wanted every trace ofthe day gone from him. He reached up, and loosened the cravat he’d had to wearto the luncheon, a constant reminder of his costume, his life, his place.

In the bedroom, he came to a sudden halt. His dark thoughtsstuttered, then stopped.

Fenris, on the bed, stirred. He lifted his head, blinked,and rubbed his eyes.

“I was only napping,” he said. His hair was a mess, as if he’dbeen asleep for quite some time. He was on top of the sheets, wrapped aroundHawke’s pillow, wearing one of Hawke’s faded flannels. Flower, Hawke’s aged mabari,was curled at his feet. The dog made a whine of protest as the elf sat up.

Hawke leaned against the doorframe. He felt something withinhimself loosen, then break. “Hi,” he said.

Fenris frowned at him. “I expected you back hours ago. I intendedto surprise you.” He gestured, as if Hawke hadn’t noticed, at his long barelegs. The shirt hung off one shoulder.

“You know the de Launcets,” Hawke said, and Fenris cockedhis head.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

Hawke pushed away from the door. He said, “I am now.”

Anonymous asked:

Fenris finds Hawke trying to make his favourite apple pastries. ((I need some happiness in my life rn and your writing always brings me joy ;^;

Precious anon, I’m so sorry for making you wait so long for this. I hope things have gotten better for you since the day you sent this, and I hope it does give you some joy. 

Fenris was still groggy when he woke, and he didn’t likethat. Groggy meant he had slept too long, too deeply. Groggy meant vulnerable.

He forced himself to remain still, calm, should anyone bewatching. He forced himself to keep his breathing steady until he was sure ofwhere he was, and the fact he was alone. His eyes slowly, blurrily, opened to pickout the details of Hawke’s bedroom, and he felt his shoulders begin to relax byslow, cautious increments. Danarius was dead a week, and Hawke was his again,and Fenris was somehow, unbelievably, miraculously, free. Forever. He remainedstill until he was certain he hadn’t merely dreamt it. There were no morechains.

The curtains at the window were drawn, the light thatmanaged to leak through grey and weak. Fenris could still hear the fall of rainoutside, though the crash of thunder had grown few and far between. A nap.Hawke had talked him into a nap, because they couldn’t work in the rain, and itwas silly for Fenris to walk home, and somehow, bafflingly, Fenris had agreed.

More of his tension eased, like a series of knots slowlybeing pulled free. Fenris stretched, cautiously. Hawke’s bed was toocomfortable, his sheets too soft, too warm. Fenris was reluctant to get up. Healmost scolded himself for failing to realize the danger – only to rememberthere was no danger, not anymore.

Fenris could – Fenris could nap. In the middle of the day. Through a storm. He didn’t need torush out into it, didn’t need to take advantage of tracks and scents beingwashed away in the downpour. He could stay where he was, warm and dry, and hecould take a nap.

All these years, and Fenris’s mind still followed thefamiliar well-worn tracks of self-preservation. As close as Kirkwall had cometo being home, he had always harbored a certain certainty that the day wouldcome when he needed to flee it once more, and he hadn’t been willing to losehis edge by relaxing for a single moment.

And now those days were over, and Danarius was dead, andFenris was free.

He sat up, and he swung his bare legs around the side of thebed. He wiggled his toes in the Hawke’s plush, colorful rug.

Fenris contemplated getting dressed before he went on hissearch for Hawke. At the moment, he wore only one of the man’s infamousflannels – red and pink and white, warm and soft, comforting, rich with Hawke’sscent. They hadn’t made love before their nap – they’d been caught in the rainon the way back from their favorite bakery, soaked through so thoroughly thateven the pastry they harbored inside its little paper sack had been soaked bythe time they reached Hawke’s door.

Fenris pushed his hands through his hair and fought afoolish smile at the memory. He and Hawke had helped peel one another out oftheir cold, dripping clothing. They had dried each other off with Hawke’s soft,fluffy towels, teasing, laughing at one another, touching at any and everyexcuse, kissing in between soggy layers.

“The Champion shrinks back at last,” Fenris had taunted.

“I’ll show you a Champion,” Hawke answered.

Hawke had offered Fenris the shirt because he alreadysomehow knew, understood, how he hated the vulnerability of being nude. They’dclimbed into bed to get warm, intending to get to fooling around eventually,taking their time, enjoying just being together again, the return of theircomfort and ease. Fenris often found cuddling to be stifling after a while,even, sometimes, panic-inducing, but today it had felt good to have Hawkecurled around his back, his arms around him sure and strong as they drifted offto sleep.

Fenris got out of bed.

Fenris left the room clad still in Hawke’s shirt, his legsbare and chilly, his feet silent as they found the stairs.

The Hawke household was often dim and silent, more haunted,in its way, than even Fenris’s stolen mansion, and yet somehow it was never aneerie place, even shuttered against the outside storm. Fenris was safe here,welcomed, wanted.

The sound of voices eventually led him to the kitchen,solving the mystery of the house’s missing occupants. Uproarious laughter wasfollowed by a terse, “Best remember who signs your paychecks, dwarf,” and morelaughter. There were a number of vociferous, if insincere, apologies mixed inthere as well.

Fenris hovered in the darkened dining room, just outside thekitchen door. Unnoticed and inobtrusive, he took in the sight of one of themost spectacular messes he had ever laid eyes on.

The sad soggy remains of their dearly departed morningpastry sat on a plate on the counter, carefully cut open and splayed apart likea magister’s sick dissection. A number of jars of likely spices were laid outnear it, some seemingly more creative than others, to Fenris’s admittedlyinexpert eyes.

With his jaw set in a familiar, remarkably stubborn expression,Hawke stood nearby, his hands in a bowl of batter. Several similar bowlscovered every surface of the kitchen – proving, maybe, or else rejected, Fenrissupposed. Hawke’s hair and beard were dusted with flour, as were his arms,white nearly to the elbow. He wore a pink frilly apron that strained valiantlyover his muscular chest and shoulders.

Orana was sitting on a stool near Hawke, ostensibly toassist and instruct him, though she was laughing too hard to likely be of muchuse. Twice she almost fell off, so caught up was she in her mirth. It was adrastic change from her early days in Hawke’s employ, wherein she had been afraidto make more noise than a mouse. Fenris still found it difficult to interactwith her, but there was something nice in seeing how comfortable she had gottenhere.

Bodahn and Sandal were also present, seated at the kitchentable with some clearly-forgotten repair work. Though Sandal seemed lost on thehumor, his father was utterly caught up in it, antagonizing his employer withuncharacteristic glee.

“I think your apples are burning again, messere,” he said,without any intention of getting them himself. “Or are they supposed to be aflame?”

“Maker’s bloody asshole!” Hawke swore, and shot out a handblindly behind him toward the stove, coating it in a sheet of ice. The actionslung Sandal with batter, which only seemed to delight the boy.

“I could have had four batches ready and cooling by now,”Orana said. “Are you sure you will not let me help?”

“That’s not the bloody point,” Hawke answered, and she washaving too much fun to shrink back as she might once have. They all knew that,to them at least, Hawke was harmless.

“Messere, I think you used salt instead of sugar again,”Bodhan said, when his son tasted the batter, then pulled a face.

“Why do they look so bloody similar?” Hawke bellowed.

It was Fenris who started laughing first, at that, unintentionallyannouncing his presence, earning everyone’s attention, intruding on their disastrousendeavor. Whatever lingering ghosts remained of the tension Fenris felt onwaking, they could not remain in the warmth and light of the kitchen, theservants’ comfort poking fun of their master, Hawke’s sweetness in his doomedattempt to recreate Fenris’s favorite treat while the elf slept. If not that,then maybe it was the apron that did it. Fenris laughed, and Hawke turned aparticularly interesting shade of scarlet, and Fenris laughed all the more.

His face hurt from smiling, by the time it was over.


Kiss prompt #1 for Durill Hawke/Fenris! 💖


“breaking the kiss to say something, staying so close that you’re murmuring into each other’s mouths”

The sequel to this, another prompt from you ^_^ I hope you enjoy

Hawke awoke to a warm weight pressed against his chest and wondered for a minute why his mabari was on the bed with him. The next minute he spent pondering why the bed was so damn hard and stone-like and why the fireplace was in the wrong spot on the wall and why the walls of his room looked like Fenris’s. Then the weight shifted and grunted in a way that was distinctly Fenris, and the events of the previous night came rushing back to him.

“If there is a future to be had, I will walk into it gladly at your side.”

They had kissed then, Hawke sweeping Fenris up in his arms as he’d wanted to countless times over the last three years. It didn’t seem real, somehow, that now he was able to do that again or that Fenris was snuggled up against him, his cheek pressed against Hawke’s chest, his head just under Hawke’s chin. Hawke tightened his arm around Fenris’s waist, pulling him as close as they could possibly get. He twisted his head to look down at the elf in his arms and kissed his forehead. Fenris hummed but did not appear to wake. Hawke watched him sleep until his neck got a crick, and then he brushed his lips across Fenris’s forehead again and curled his body around Fenris’s as much as he could before dropping back off to sleep.

The next time Hawke woke it was to the sensation of something moving across his face. Fenris’s warmth had migrated somewhere farther away, and he frowned and grumbled his disapproval of the situation. Then the thing against his face moved again, and he realized it was Fenris’s nose, followed by his lips, nuzzling and kissing at his cheeks. He nosed back and Fenris chuckled, his lips quirking into a smile that Hawke could feel against his face.

“Good morning,” Fenris said, and Hawke heard reflected in his voice his own sense of wonderment and pleasure at being here, together, finally.

“Mm,” Hawke agreed, and reached up to wrap both arms around Fenris and tug his body back on top of Hawke’s. Again Fenris laughed and Hawke savored the flipping sensation low in his stomach at the sound. He’d missed that feeling, the pleasure of being able to make Fenris laugh like that. He hadn’t tried often over the last few years, wanting to respect Fenris’s space and boundaries, but now he never wanted to stop.

He buried the fingers of one hand into Fenris’s hair, closing his eyes and pressing his head against Fenris’s as he tightened his arms, hugging Fenris close. Fenris pressed his head back against Hawke’s for a minute, then wiggled slightly to get Hawke to relax his grip. When he did, Fenris levered himself up with one hand and looked down, a frown creasing his brow. His other hand traced the wrinkles above Hawke’s own eyes.


Hawke shook his head, knowing there wasn’t anything he could say. His words never were fully adequate at the best of times, fragile, loaded things that they were. So instead he captured the hand running across his face in his own, kissing the fingertips then the knuckles then the palm before holding it against his cheek as he sat up to claim Fenris’s mouth with his. Hawke felt the weight of the last three years begin to dissolve, yielding to the warmth seeping into him from every point of contact between their bodies. He let his hand fall from Fenris’s hair, running it down Fenris’s cheek.

“You’re here,” he said, refusing to fully break the kiss to speak, loathe to let any space separate them. “You’re here.”

Fenris laced his fingers with Hawke’s, holding that hand to his cheek. He kissed Hawke, a gentle brush of lips, and kept his eyes, wide and soft and green, open and fixed on Hawke’s soulful brown ones. “Yes, Hawke. I am here.”

Self-indulgent fluff because I feel a mess tonight
Rough draft, and only read over once
Pairing: M!Hawke/Fenris Words: 1,472 Summary:  It would be a lie to say the thought had never crossed his mind a number of times, but it never seemed like the right time, or circumstances kept him from feeling like he deserved something so precious. Or more likely, his own nerves got the better of him and the infamous Champion of Kirkwall was terrified of what a former slave could do to his heart.

It’s raining.

That might be a bit of an understatement as just outside the little alcove the two had managed to find and fit themselves into, the storm had picked up and began pouring down in thick sheets. Thunder rolls overhead, long, lazy, and loud, and Hawke can feel just how thick the air is becoming; pressed up against the corner in that little alcove, Fenris seated and pressed up against him, his own breath becoming slightly staggered.

Hawke’s arms tighten around that thin torso when Fenris finally relaxes enough to lull his head back against the man’s shoulder; a lingering kiss was pressed against white hair flecked with someone else’s blood, before Hawke presses his face into a slender neck and just holds the elf close. He feels, more than hears, that soft, short hum of approval before fingers are gently running through his drenched hair. Their wet clothes and what armor they still have on, coupled with the humidity of the storm, are uncomfortable, and the pathetic little fire Hawke had managed to get going was not going to be of much help, but neither really want to move. Hawke’s body aches from the skirmish and desperate run, and he can only imagine how Fenris is feeling.

No, this is perfectly fine.

Anonymous asked:

Can you write about the first night Fenris stays over at Hawke’s place after they get back together? Maybe something of confirmation he’s where he’s supposed to be?

Hawke was nervous.

Fenris knew Hawke was nervous, just as he knew Hawke didn’twant him to know he was nervous. After so many years of watching him, it was alittle thing to see the telltale tension he held in his shoulders, thestiffness in his manner. His smiles were those frail things that threatened tovanish at the first sign they were unwanted. He wasn’t the hard, intimidatinglegend of the Champion – not with Fenris – but neither was he fully the manFenris had come to know so well. He was nervous, and he didn’t want Fenris toknow he was nervous. He didn’t want Fenris to feel guilty for his nerves.

After all, things had not ended so well the last time theyhad done this.

Fenris could have told him the truth – that he had nointention of leaving his side again. His place was with this man, this mage,and it didn’t matter if they were sleeping at Hawke’s place or Fenris’s – he wasn’tleaving again.

He would rather prove it.

To himself, and to Hawke.

“It doesn’t seem as if supper’s been put on,” Hawke said,turning to him in the entrance hall, as if he would suggest going back. Therewas an alien hesitance to him, a thing most would find unrecognizable in thebig, brawny mage. Fenris hung up his wet cloak and pretended not to notice.

“You’ve barely been home all week,” Fenris reminded him. Hecast a saucy grin over his shoulder. They’d barely left the bed all week. Jobs went undone, summonsignored. Only the force of the rain outside had driven them from Fenris’s manseto the drier sanctuary of Hawke’s. “You can hardly fault the staff for failingto anticipate your return.”

“I wanted to give you a hot meal.”

“There are other ways to warm up.”

“You’re killing me,” Hawke groaned, and his tension visiblyeased. He dropped his own cloak as he reached for him, and Fenris pulled him tohim. His back hit the wall, a strange echo of that long ago night, Hawke’s armstight around him as they kissed.

“Death by insatiable elf?” Fenris teased against his mouth. “Wehave years to make up for.”

Hawke said, “I wasn’t complaining.”

They made their way to the kitchen, eventually, where thewarm fire dried out damp hair and clothes. Their eyes traced one another asthey dined on bread and cheese and strong tea, and though there was barely aword spoken between them, Fenris was content.

“I suppose eventually we will have to get back to our lives,”Fenris observed.

Hawke said, “You are my life.”


Love Eternal

read it on the AO3 at

by gyozetsu

Fenris having an existential realization of his love for Hawke in their old(er) age.

Words: 1104, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English

read it on the AO3 at

Anonymous asked:

Hawke waking up to find fen gone and gets worried but like gets up and finds fen cooking him breakfast

I’ve done something like this before, so I hope you don’t mind if this doesn’t quite meet the prompt. Hope you enjoy it anyway! Thanks Anon!

Fenris cursed as he brought the bread out of the oven alittle more singed than he would have wanted. He juggled the loaf between twohands, lost it, and sent it skittering to the floor. It was retrieved quickly,brushed off, and placed on a waiting plate.

The eggs were still runny. Fenris prodded them, and theyslid around his spatula. The bacon was browning nicely. The coffee – well,maybe it was supposed to look like that.

Fenris was aware he had many talents. He was an intelligent man,could pick up the nuances of a language or a task with ease. But cooking wasnot something he had a lot of experience with. Danarius had never required itof him, and when he was on the run he had hardly had time to concern himselfwith the way something tasted, so long as it filled the gnawing ache of hungerin his gut, and didn’t take too long to prepare. It had not occurred to himthat this lack of experience would prove an issue when he set himself to histask this morning.

He didn’t know how long Hawke must have been standing in thekitchen doorway watching him, though a part of him did appreciate the fact themage made a noise to alert him to his presence before he stepped up behind him,big arms wrapping, warm and tight, around his torso. Fenris was still glaringat the uncooperative eggs when he felt the brush of beard against his neck, andlips against his earlobe. He shivered.

“Looks great.”

“Don’t lie to me.”

“I wondered where you went.”

Flash of guilt that sent cold down his entire body. Fenrisprodded at the eggs again. He frowned. “I apologize,” he said. “I – failed toconsider that it might worry you to wake alone.”

“I trust you,” Hawke said. “Please don’t apologize.”

“But - ?”

“But I’m glad you’re still here.”

Fenris grunted. Hawke was silent, simply holding him, hischeek pressed to his hair. He released him without a fight when Fenris made tomove. When he turned he found the man wearing only his (open) robe and hishideous smalls, his hair a riot.

“I suppose you slept well?” Fenris asked.

Hawke’s smile was a little crooked. He said, “Best sleep I’vehad in years.”

“Me too,” Fenris answered.

Hawke’s smile grew. It was a rare sight, on that stern face.It made him look years younger, like the man he might have been once, beforethe Blight and Kirkwall had taken their toll. There was something ruggedlybeautiful about him, even in his ugly underthings.

“You made me breakfast?” Hawke asked, like a boy receiving apresent.

Fenris said, “I wanted to thank you – for last night. Forthis week. We can go to the bakery if it isn’t edible. I – don’t know what I’mdoing.”

Hawke reached for him again. His hands pushed through Fenris’shair, brought his chin up, so he was meeting his eye again. After a moment,Fenris felt that flash of insecurity pass. He shared Hawke’s smile. The fabricof the robe was thick and soft when Fenris grabbed the lapel to pull Hawke closer.The mage came to him easily, bending his head over him, pressing his foreheadto Fenris’s own.

With difficulty, Fenris said, “I want to spend the rest ofmy life like this.”

Hawke, still smiling, answered, “I think that can bearranged.”

Fenris tugged him closer. Hawke’s lips only brushed his for amoment before he pulled away, frowning.

“Do you smell something burning?”

The eggs were done.



Rating: G

Characters: Fenris/Garrett Hawke

Words: 268

Additional tags: Modern AU, fluff, non-sexual intimacy

Summary: Hawke is humming, and Fenris finds himself overwhelmed.

Coming back from the kitchen with two glasses of water, Fenris paused. Hawke was sitting there, back to him, in the same position he’d been when Fenris had got up, except he was humming.

It was a low sound, so low Fenris couldn’t figure out what melody it was, though he did know one thing: he wanted to touch Hawke. He wasn’t quite sure how. He just needed to touch him, right now. He needed to feel the heat of him, and his heartbeat, and he needed to be close enough to breathe in his scent.

He put the glasses down on the counter next to him, softly, so as not to alert Hawke. One, two steps, and he was behind Hawke. But he still didn’t know how he wanted to touch him.

Hawke must have felt his breath on his hair, because he craned his head back, and looked at Fenris with a grin.

“Hello, beautiful,” he said, his voice thin from the unnatural stretch of his throat.

Fenris didn’t answer, still considering the best course of action. And then he bent down, slowly, still silent, and kissed Hawke’s forehead. Lingering, closed-mouthed. When he pulled back, Hawke’s eyes were closed, and his grin had transformed into a relaxed smile. He hummed in contentment.

“And to what do I owe this kiss,” he asked, his eyes opening lazily, almost reluctantly.

Fenris braced his hands on the chair, behind each of Hawke’s shoulders.

“You were humming,” he said, and then shrugged, before turning around to pick up the glasses he’d abandoned on the counter. “I needed to touch you.”

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