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Fluids Round-up

Time for another look at some of the best fluids content out there. It’s the fluids round-up - with a special focus this week on oceans!

- Ryan Pernofski spent two years filming the ocean in slow motion with his iPhone to make the short film “Slowmocean” seen above. It’s a gorgeous ode to the beauty of breaking waves.

- Oceans with higher salinity than Earth’s could drive global circulation that would make exoplanets more hospitable to life.

- Speaking of alien oceans that could harbor signs of life, there’s discussion afoot of how future missions to icy moons like Europa or Enceladus could collect samples from plumes ejected from beneath the ice. 

- Wind and waves make harsh, erosive environments. This photo essay from SFGate shows how greatly the sands of Pacifica shift over time. (submitted by Richard)


- New research explores how Martian mountains may have been carved out by the wind.

- Ever listened to an orchestra made from ice? You should! Learn about Tim Linhart, who builds and maintains ice instruments. (submitted by ashketchumm)

- MIT has demonstrated a new 3D-printing technique that allows for printing liquid and solid parts simultaneously, allowing would-be creators to rapid-prototype hydraulically-driven robotics.

Even more bonus bonus!

- ICYMI, the new FYFD video made Gizmodo!

If you’re a fan of FYFD, please consider becoming a patron. As a bonus, you’ll get access to this weekend’s planetary science webcast!

(Video credit: R. Pernofski; via Flow Visualization; Pluto image credit: NASA/APL)

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