"penetrate" is not the most intimate thing you can do to someone or even in the top five. a recent survey actually ranked it at #74, far below fan favorites like tend wounds (#8) and betray (#3)
first piece in a while wishlist game ... prints ... wallpaper pack
i do not care if bedroom fairy lights are forever perceived as a twee millennial thing i can never go back. any light that is not striving to approximate the soft glow of candlelight does not belong in my bedroom
Sex is bad ass if you like hanging around someone enough you can get them to put a bunch of ooze in you. Or other such things
Undercover - Line Hoven , 2021.
German , b. 1977 -
1 Colour screen print (black) on white cardboard , 19.5 x 30 cm.
take everything i say with a hint of lime
dramatically and violently turns into a werewolf and then continues doing the same thing I was doing before
you can pry starting sentences with 'and' or 'but' out of my cold, dead hands
op how does it feel to be the most correct person on earth
i love writing fanfiction that has a stupid fanfictionass plotline like yesss that’s exactly where it belongs
Audrey Bialke (American, 1991) - Who Watches Over Creeping Things (2022)
a "midwife" you say... tch. such a foolish word. a wife could never be mid. all women are epic