For the Beetlejuice AU: What roles does each character have? I mean like...who's Lidia, who's Beetlejuice etc.?
Ah, yes! I should be clear on that before anyone can roleplay with the characters, right? :3
The Maitlands (Adam & Barbara): Conductor and DJ Grooves! That’s right, Discotrain is in the AU!The Deetzes (Charles & Delia): So far, Cooking Cat and Empress!Otho: (The guy who tags along with Delia) Mafia Boss!Lydia: Hat Kid! (Don’t worry, her role is definitely going to be altered)
Juno: (The ghost who warns the Maitlands about Beetlejuice) Moonjumper!Beetlejuice: The one and only, Snatcher! (His character name is BetelSnatch)
Keep in mind, not all of these characters will act exactly like the characters in the movie. If anything, most of them will just act like their canon selves in-game. (With exceptions for Snatcher and Moonjumper, at least for now) And maybe I’ll try and find a way to add in Mu or Bow somewhere down the line???