Today’s mood:
freckles-arelife reblogged
If your favourite player doesn’t sing his country songs from the top of his lungs, is he really your favourite player
freckles-arelife reblogged
"Ne bih ja bio majstor da nije ovih ljudi iza mene. Da nije ovih ljudi koji su ujedinili Hrvatsku i pokazali skromnost, poniznost, zajedništvo, domoljublje i Vjeru i zbog toga ih je Bog nagradio."
"I wouldn't be a master if it wasn't for the people behind me, if it wasn't for these people who have united Croatia and have shown modesty, humility, unity, patriotic love and Faith - and that's why God has rewarded them."
Zlatko Dalić, trainer of the Croatian national team, thanking his team for the remarkable achievement in this year's FIFA World Cup
freckles-arelife reblogged
he survived even without Suba 😂
freckles-arelife reblogged
King of Croatia
freckles-arelife reblogged
The atmosphere from Zagreb tonight!
freckles-arelife reblogged
Najbolji stoper na svijetu ❤️
freckles-arelife reblogged
joško: *namiguje u kameru*
ja: *na podu*
freckles-arelife reblogged
So I'm watching the reception of croatian nt and some of the signs are a little bit me.
"Josko, make me a child"
"Josko, do you accept the offer *phone number* €?"
This is insane! I love our boys!!!!
Naše slatkice 🥰🇭🇷
History repeats itself
freckles-arelife reblogged
That crazy fuck
History repeats itself