IMDb’s top ten highest rated episodes of Star Wars Rebels (as of June 2, 2021)
Day 4: Favorite Episode | (inspo)
@foxtrovert /
IMDb’s top ten highest rated episodes of Star Wars Rebels (as of June 2, 2021)
Day 4: Favorite Episode | (inspo)
Day 3: Favorite Fight - The Battle of Atollon, 2 BBY | Zero Hour Part 1 & 2
We'll never surrender to you, Thrawn.
-- Hera Syndulla
Day 2: Favorite Creature | LOTH-WOLF
I... I thought I saw something. I think it's a Loth-wolf. No one's seen them in 100 years, but I think I keep seeing one today.
Star Wars Rebels Appreciation Week 2021
Day 1: Favorite Ghost Crew Member | KANAN JARRUS
Slow down. The Force is trying to tell you something. Listen to it.
#Rebels Remembered - March 5, 2018/2020 - Specters 1, 2 & 3
Vanessa Marshall on what surprised her most about how Hera changed during her journey from Season 1 to 4
I think that when she came to sort of soften and recognize her affection for Kanan I felt that that was also emboldening in a way I wouldn't have imagined-- sometimes it seems that “oh, you don't have time for that,” but I think it made her even stronger and that was beautiful to experience.
Star Wars Rebels Remembered panel at SWCC 2019
Kanan, Hera & the Loth-Wolves - Storyboards & Art by Dave Filoni
Star Wars Rebels - S03E20 "Zero Hour: Part One"
Star Wars Rebels, October 13th, 2014 - March 5th, 2018.
Kanan Jarrus Appreciation Post - Stormtrooper Armor, Season 3
Thrawn: The defectors will have new disguises by now. They’ll hide as technicians or troopers to gather data and escape.
Kallus: So you think the rebels are more than just saboteurs?
Thrawn: Indeed I do, Agent Kallus.
I don’t have any fancy words today; I just want to say thank you to Star Wars Rebels for giving us these two:
And for introducing us to this kiddo:
The most wonderful relationship in all of Star Wars and their precious little boy. ❤️❤️❤️
Star Wars Rebels ✰ 4x15-16 Family Reunion and Farewell (One Year Anniversary March 5th, 2018).
Happy #RebelsRemembered Day!
I can’t believe it’s been a year! Star Wars Rebels meant so much to me, and still does. It’s amazing to look back at the beginnings and see just how much I grew during in those years the show was on, as an artist and a person. Thanks, space fam <3 #RebelsRemembered This pic is a wip of just one seventh (!) of the actual thing I wanted to do for today, but since the idea I want to realise is quite big, I’ll be lucky to finish it in time for May the Fourth now :’D But I couldn’t not post something today, so here it is. A little preview :>
Star Wars Rebels | One Year Anniversary | March 5, 2018
October 13th, 2014 - March 5th, 2018.