Title: Fates of the Bloodstained (chapter 2/3) Characters: Gwindor, Túrin, Beleg, Anglachel Pairing(s): Mostly gen; strong references to Túrin/Beleg and Gwindor/Finduilas Word count: 6165 Warning(s): Reference to self-harm, canon-typical violence, canon character death, general weirdness and misery.
Summary: Gwindor of Nargothrond learned years ago that his fate was to be a sorrowful one, but now it is entangled with a new kind of misfortune: Túrin. While leading the Man on their long journey to the Pools of Ivrin, Gwindor faces a future more desolate and strange than any he could have imagined.
Notes: Gwindor’s memories of the Mereth Aderthad are inspired by @houndsofvalinor-art‘s Tolkien Secret Santa gift to me. I was so inspired by it, that I wanted to include it somehow. You can see the art here.
The fic title is (obviously) based on Túrin’s aliases.