Celebrimbor. This was for @feanorianweek but I am posting a little late.
Finrod Felagund. Watercolor portrait.
Celebrimbor & Annatar. A pair of ink drawings.
Curumo, aka Saruman, for @tolkienvillainsweek — ink & watercolor.
My lord. Melkor & Mairon for @tolkienvillainsweek. Ink drawing. Tried something monstery with my Melkor design, and something different with my inks.
Melkor & Mairon ink drawing. Melkor considers corrupting a Maia.
Twin Heirs: Elrond & Elros. Hiding from the Kinslayers and praying to the Valar for help (which ends up coming from a very unexpected place). Ink drawing.
Celeborn portrait painting. One more (belatedly) for @tolkiengenweek
Annatar, Lord of Gifts. Watercolor.
Elrond, Lord of Rivendell. Another watercolor painting of an Elf Dad.
Legolas & Gimli for Diverse Tolkien Week. (Also, yes, I do change my Legolas design every time, apparently.) Watercolored this today.
Young Dwalin, Son of Fundin: before the Quest. From The Hobbit. Watercolor.
Bearers of the Ring of Barahir. Ink drawing.
Top left: Finrod Felagund gives Barahir the ring. Middle right: Beren. Lower center: Aragorn.
Melkor and his Monsters, including Mairon. Ink drawing.
Melkor & Mairon in the Years of the Lamps (yes, another ink drawing of them).