Acordar = 1. (to reach an agreement)
a. to agree (followed by a verb)
Las dos empresas acordaron reducir su consumo de energía. - The two companies agreed to reduce their energy consumption.
b. to agree on (followed by a noun)
Tendrán que acordar los pasos que tomarán para lograr dicha reducción. - They will have to agree on the steps that they will take to achieve said reduction.
Acordarse + de. = . (to recall)
Me acuerdo que la primera vez que vi "El imperio contraataca", lloré al final. - I remember that the first time I saw "The Empire Strikes Back", I cried at the end.
El Día de Muertos sirve para recordar a nuestros seres queridos difuntos. - Day of the Dead helps us remember our deceased loved ones.
No recuerdo mi contraseña. - I can't remember my password.
Dora me confió su mayor secreto. - Dora confided her biggest secret to me.
2. (to put into someone's care)
Le confiaron la dirección de la compañía. - They entrusted him with the management of the company.
3. (to have confidence; used with "en")****
Confía en mí, todo estará bien. - Trust me, everything will be fine.
Confío en que van a hacer bien el trabajo. - I'm confident that they'll do the job well.
Ya no fiamos porque tuvimos problemas cobrando a algunos clientes. - We no longer give credit because we had difficulties collecting payments.
2.(to confide in; used with "de")
Prefiero darle el dinero directamente a Melisa. No me fío de él. - I prefer to give the money straight to Melisa. I don't trust him.
David prometió que vendría, pero no me fío de sus promesas. - David promised he'd come, but I don't believe his promises.
Suelo fumar cigarros que lío yo mismo porque las cajetillas son más caras. - I usually smoke cigarettes that I roll myself because the packs are more expensive.
Asegúrate de liar bien el fardo antes de enviarlo. - Make sure you tie up the bundle properly before sending it.
Lié los vasos con un suéter para que no se rompieran durante la mudanza. - I wrapped the glasses in a sweater so that they would not break during the move.
Las mentiras de los acusados liaron la labor de búsqueda del desaparecido de la policía. - The defendant's lies complicated the police's search effort for the missing person.
Marta lió a Miguel con sus pistas y por eso él dijo la respuesta incorrecta. - Marta confused Miguel with her hints and so he gave the wrong answer.
Dijiste que no me amabas y ahora dices que sí. ¡Me estás liando! - You said you didn't love me and now you say you do. You're confusing me!
Mi madre se lía con el celular porque no sabe usar el teclado táctil. - My mother gets muddled up with her cell phone because she can't use the touch keyboard.
Me lié a escribir postales sin darme cuenta de que no tenía sellos suficientes. - I began to write postcards without realizing I did not have enough stamps.
Desde que te liaste a leer libros en francés has aprendido mucho. - Ever since you started reading books in French you have learned a lot.
8. (colloquial) (to get embroiled)
Laura no se quiere liar en los problemas de la familia de su marido. - Laura does not want to get mixed up with the problems of her husband's family.
Si me lío en este asunto voy a salir perdiendo. - If I get involved in this matter, I will end up losing.
9. (to have something) (Spain)
Sara y Mario se liaron en verano y ahora son novios. - Sara and Mario had an affair in summer and now they are together.
Arrastrar = (to move along the ground)
¡Deja de arrastrar los pies! - Stop dragging your feet!
Mi hija va a llevar un vestido con una cola que arrastra. - My daughter will wear a dress with a train that sweeps the ground.
Esa falda es tan larga que arrastra el suelo. - That skirt is so long that it brushes the ground.
Deja de fastidiar a tu hermano y haz tu tarea. - Stop annoying your brother and do your homework.
Deja de fastidiar al perro o te morderá. - Stop bothering the dog or he'll bite you.
2. (colloquial) (to mess up) (Spain)
Todo el mundo estaba pasando un buen rato y, entonces llegó Sergio y fastidió la fiesta. - Everyone was having a good time, and then Sergio came and spoiled the party.
El huracán fastidió nuestras vacaciones en el Caribe. - The hurricane ruined our vacation in the Caribbean.
¡Me estás fastidiando! ¿Cómo que se nos acabó el combustible? - You have got to be joking! What do you mean we ran out of gas?