My grandma is telling me to stop dedicating my life to languages and do something more "true-to-life" girl what's more true-to-life than human communication
Fruits in korean
과일 - fruit
🍀 이것은 과일이에요?
Is this a fruit?
🍀 네, 과일입니다.
Yes, it’s a fruit.
🍀 몰라요.
I don’t know.
사과 - apple
파인애플 - pineapple
멜론 - melon
수박 - watermelon
망고 - mango
포도 - grapes
배 - pear
복숭아 - peach
오렌지 - orange
귤 - tangerine/mandarim orange
자몽 - grapefruit
승도보숭아 - nectarine
라임 - lime
레몬 - lemon
금귤 - kumquat
감 - persimmon
석류 - pomegranate
딸기 - strawberry
산딸기 - raspberry
블루베리 - blueberry
블랙베리 - blackberry
크랜베리 - cranberry
체리 - cherry
피타야 - dragonfruit
대추 - jujube
코코넛 - coconut
키위 - kiwi
살구 - apricot
두리안 - durian
자두 - plum
So it’s getting pretty hot outside (we touched 40°C today, meh), let’s write some words you might hear in a summer day from an italian:
Che caldo! - It’s hot! Fa troppo caldo - It’s too hot Andiamo in piscina - Let’s go to the pool Accendi l’aria condizionata - Turn on the AC Non c’è un filo d’aria - There’s ain’t a string of air Non si respira! - I can’t breath! (for the hot weather) Sto sudando - I’m sweating Vado all’ombra, basta sole! - I’ll go in the shadow (meaning under a tree’s shadow for example), enough with the sun! Vado a prendere il sole - I’ll go sunbathing
Mi sono scottata/o! - I got burned Mi sono abbronzato/a - I got suntanned Ho sete, Che sete (che ho) - I’m thirsty! Ho voglia di mangiare un gelato - I want to eat an ice-cream
Ho voglia di un ghiacciolo - I want (to eat) an icicle
Che bel fresco sotto queste piante! - Such a nice fresh air under these trees!
Korean: Location Words
Location words are words like; above, below, next to, in front of...etc... They describe locations in a more precise way.
1) Common location words
위 = above, on top of
아래 = below
안 = inside
밖 = outside
앞 = in front of
뒤 = behind
옆 = next to
Simplified Explanation:
Just Add -살
Age (In Native Korean Numbers) +
저는 열 여덟살입니다!
I am 18 years old!
Questions You Might Encounter:
몇 살이에요? (Polite/Casual)
나이가 어떻게 되세요? (Formal)
연세가 어떻게 되세요? (Honorific)
살 vs 세
살 and 세 have the same meaning, but there is a difference in when to use it and who to use it with. We use 세 when we talk about an elder person's age and 살 is used when talking about oneself, younger people, & friends.
세 is only used when you ask about and talk about someone's age older than you.
So you can say your age like this:
I am 20 years old.
나는 20(스무)살이다
세 Is used with sino-korean numbers only and 살 Is used with native-korean numbers only.
Also, for using 세 :
Only use 세 for someone's age older than you or someone who you meet at first.
1: How old are you?
연세가 어떻게 되세요.
2: He is 70 years old.
그는 70(칠십)세 입니다.
For Number 1-4 & 20, the form of the number changes If another word comes after it.
(하나 becomes 한, 둘 = 두, 셋 = 세, 넷 = 네, 스물 = 스무)
두 살이다 = to be 2 years old
수무 살이다 = to be 25 years old
수물 doesn't change if another number is after it (For Example: 수물하나, 수물다섯, 스물일곱, etc.) But If the number is followed by the counter 살 and the numbers 1-4 are after it, then it becomes 수물두 살, 스물 네 살 and so on.
*about age and korean culture
Age is particularily important in Korean culture. Close relationships (brother/sister/friend types of relationships ) are usually established among people In the same age or similar ages to you. When Koreans get closer, their relationship is based around age. For the sake of titles like 언니/오빠/누나/동생. So, asking age is usually to figure out who is older.
If you're not in a situation where you are trying to develop this kind of brother/sister/friend relationship, asking for someone's age is rude. Asking age to a person who is clearly older than you is also really rude for this reason.
Age is private.
So you might want to ask In more indirect ways, for example asking what year they were born In
A Common Way:
무슨 띠에요?
(what animal of year were you born?)
Another way is asking the birth year:
몇년 생이신가요?
(what is your birth year?)
More Forms:
몇년 생이에요? (Polite/Casual)
몇 년생이세요? (Formal)
Even when speaking to younger people, If you want to be sure to not be rude It's good to opt for questions like these instead.
To elders, you are not going to be developing this type of relationship. So you shouldn't ask their age but If for some reason you ask be sure to use the honorific question that I showed earlier.
List Of Native Korean Numbers (1-99)
*reminder: the native/pure korean number system only goes up to 99. After that, numbers 100 and up are sino-korean numbers
하나 - 1
둘 - 2
셋 - 3
넷 - 4
다섯 - 5
여섯 - 6
일곱 - 7
여덟 - 8
아홉 - 9
열 - 10
열 하나 - 11
열 둘 - 12
열 셋 - 13
열 넷 - 14
열 다섯 - 15
열 여섯 - 16
열 일곱 - 17
열 여덟 - 18
열 아홉 - 19
스물 - 20
서른 - 30
마흔 - 40
쉰 - 50
예순 - 60
일흔 - 70
여든 - 80
아흔 - 90
아흔 아홉 - 99
Musica - Music Vocabs
Terminologia musicale - musical terminology
ritmo - beat, rhythm armonia - harmony testi - lyrics melodia - melody,tune sinfonia - symphony nota - note scala - scale solista - solo duetto - duet intonato - in tune stonato - out of tune accordi - harmony, chord accordare - to tune (an instrument) accordato - tuned canzone - song traccia - track
Equipaggiamento musicale - musical equipment
amplificatore - amp, amplifier CD - CD lettore CD - CD player lettore MP3 - MP3 player cuffie - headphones strumento - instrument microfono - mic, microphone leggio - music stand giradischi - record player casse - speakers stereo - stereo, stereo system hi-fi - hi-fi, hi-fi system
Generi musicali - musical genres
blues - blues classica - classical country - country dance, musica disco/da discoteca - dance musica leggera, commerciale - pop/easy listening musica elettronica - electronic folk - folk heavy metal - heavy metal hip hop - hip hop rap - rap jazz - jazz latinoamericana - latin lirica - opera reggae - reggae rock - rock techno - techno ambient - ambient
Gruppi musicali - musical groups
banda - band banda di ottoni - brass band coro - choir banda musicale - concert band gruppo jazz - jazz band orchestra - orchestra gruppo pop - pop group rock band - grupp orock quartetto d’archi - string quartet
Musicisti - musicians
compositore - composer maestro di musica - music master (player of the orchestra) professore di musica - music professor (conductor, usually) musicista - musician, performer bassista - bassist, bass player violoncellista - cellist batterista - drummer flautista - flautist chitarrista - guitarist tastierista - keyboard player organista - organist sassofonista - saxophonist trombettista - trumpeter violinista - violinist pianista - pianist pop star - pop star rapper - rapper DJ - DJ direttore d’orchestra - conductor cantante, voce - singer, voice contralto - alto soprano - soprano basso - bass tenore - tenor baritono - baritone
Volume - volume
alto - loud basso - low, quiet leggero - soft
Altre parole utili - more useful words
ascoltare la musica - to listen to the music suonare uno strumento - to play an instrument registrare - to record cantare - to sing pubblico - audience fan - fan, supporter concerto - concert, gig inno - hymn canzone d’amore - love song inno nazionale - national anthem disco, CD, album - record casa discografica - record label studio di registrazione - recording studio palco - stage movimento musicale - musical movement composizione, componimento - composition andante - andante toccata e fuga - toccata and fugue variazione (sul tema) - variation on the theme preludio - prelude
“Man sollte alle Tage wenigstens ein kleines Lied hören, ein gutes Gedicht lesen, ein treffliches Gemälde sehen und, wenn es möglich zu machen wäre, einige vernünftige Worte sprechen.”
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (via amfenstersims)
what is ü in spanish??
okay so i wanted to explain what -ü is and why it is used because i know there are some people who dont know it exists and thats perfectly fine!! there arent a lot of words that use -ü but i just wanted to put this info out there for anyone who may be confused or just want to know!!
the two dots over the ü are known as “la diéresis” and it is very simple to understand but first i wanna go over the letter “g”:
- -g is pronounced with an -h sound if it is followed with an -i or -e (ex. gente, gigante)
- when -g is followed by -a, -o, or -u, it is pronounced like the -g in english (amarga, agosto, ángulo)
- however when -g is followed by a -u and a soft vowel (-a, -o, -u), the “u” makes a “w” sound like in english. for example the word “guapo” (handsome) is pronounced gwa-po (some people omit the -g depending on where they’re from so, they would pronounce it wapo)
- if -g is followed by -ue and -ui, the u is not pronounced. for example, the word “guitarra” (guitar) is pronounced gee-ta-rra
with that being said, when -g is followed by -ue or -ui with a ü, it inditcates that the u must be pronounced. for example, pingüino is pronounced pin-gwi-no. its as simple as that!
some words with “ü”
- bilingüe - bilingual
- pingüino - penguin
- vergüenza - shame
- lingüística - linguistics
- nicaragüense - nicaraguan
- averigüé - the conjugated form of averiguar (to find out) in the past tense (pretérito perfecto simple)
- ambigüedad - ambiguity
- plurilingüe - multilingual
i hope this post is helpful!! lmk if i made any mistakes!!
I can't believe that I'm going to be done with uni in a month... What's life without being in a classroom?
Korean Plant Notes #1
I'll be posting my Korean notes, and most likely others as well. Some of these posts will be huge and others will be small. This is a small note set that's very simple this time. Enjoy.
- 민들레 - dandelion
- 꽃 - flower
- 뿌리 - root
- 허브 herb
- 소나무 - pine tree
- 만대기 - stick
- 나무 - tree
- 잎 - leaf
- 잔디 - grass
- 대나무 - bamboo
의 : possessive particle : Acts as a " 's " in English. Apply at the end of word to show possession over object (etc).
EXAMPLE: 저의 나무 = my tree
미친년 - crazy bitch/bitch
ㅈㅅ - sorry
과일 - Fruit - Frutta
딸기 - strawberry - (la) fragola
레몬 - lemon - (il) limone
바나나 - banana - (la) banana
배 - pear - (la) pera
복숭아 - peaches - (le) pesche
사과 - apple - (la) mela
살구 - apricot - (la/l’) albicocca
자두 - plum - (la) prugna
수박 - watermelon - (la/l’) anguria
석류 - pomegranate - (il) melograno
멜론 - melon - (il) melone
체리 - cherry - (la) ciliegia
오렌지 - orange - (la/l’) arancia
귤 - tangerine - (il) mandarino
파파야 - papaya - (la) papaya
포도 - grapes - (la/l’) uva
파인애플 - pineapple - (ll’) ananas
감 - persimmon - (il) cachi
키위 - kiwi- (il) kiwi
산딸기 - raspberry - (il) lampone
블루베리 - blueberry - (il) mirtillo
코코넛 - coconut - (il) cocco
무화과 - fig - (il) fico
대추이지 - date - (il) dattero
천도 복숭아 - nectarine - (la) nettarina
아몬드 - almond - (la) mandorla
호두나무 - walnut - (la) noce
땅콩 - peanut - (la/l’) arachide
헤즐넛 - hazelnut - (la) nocciola
아보카도 - avocado - (lo/l’) avocado
망고 - mango - (il) mango
사보텐의 열매 - prickly pear - (il) fico d’india
자몽 - grapefruit - (il) pompelmo
블랙베리 - blackberry - (la) mora
(Let me know if i made any mistakes!)
✏️Ich trinke eigentlich meistens Tee. Wenn ich wirklich müde bin, trinke ich Kaffee - also jeden Morgen. ;)
🇩🇪 der Kaffee 🇩🇪 eine Tasse Kaffee 🇩🇪 Kaffee zum Mitnehmen 🇩🇪 der Espresso 🇩🇪 die Kaffeekanne 🇩🇪 gemahlener Kaffee 🇩🇪 die Kaffeebohne
🇬🇧 coffee 🇬🇧 a cup of coffee 🇬🇧 coffee to take away 🇬🇧 espresso 🇬🇧 coffee pot 🇬🇧 ground coffee 🇬🇧 coffee bean
This is your friendly reminder to study that one target language you haven’t been giving so much attention lately
곤충 한국어 단어 2부 Insects in Korean pt. 2
• 메뚜기 grasshopper • 거미 spider • 무당벌레 ladybug (무당 shaman, 벌레 bug) • 반디 firefly, lightning bug (반딧불이, 반딧불, 반딧벌레 are also all words for firefly, 반딧불 also means the light coming from the end of the firefly)
would you prefer to learn French or Italian before you die?
the threatening aura of this message reads like it was sent by the duolingo owl