4 & 36 with bxrxr please? ❤️
Say no more, I looove writing for this pairing ah
“Could you stay out of this, for once?” + “I’m way too sober for this”
Ben swatted at Roger as he relentlessly followed him around the sofa.
“Yeah uh, could we also get a large-”
“extra large!” you monotonously called beyond your fist that was propping your chin up, eyes glued to your laptop at the counter.
“sorry- that’ll be an extra large meat lover’s pizza… yep- oh, will you shut it! No not you sir, no- sorry,” Ben covered the phone by his hip.
“Beat it, I’ve got it!” He half-laughed, humorously scolding a peaky Roger.
You couldn’t help but chuckle. These were the typical Thursday night antics that you were used to - when all three of you were home safe and sound, each exhausted from a long day, and all you wanted was some deep dish pizza and Boy Meets World reruns with your boys cuddled up on the couch, hands brushing through hair.
Roger groaned and Ben cautiously brought the phone back up to his ear, eyes watching Roger before carrying on. Roger resumed slowly trailing behind him again.
“uh, yes- two root beers and umm…”
He prompted you with a snap.
“Diet coke,” you raised your voice from the other room.
“And a diet coke. Right and how much will that be?”
“Garlic dip! Garlic dip!” Roger bounced around Ben frantically.
“Are you twelve?!.. NO not you sir, of course nootttt.” His voice bellowed politely, followed by a chuckle, before flicking his face away from the call.
“Could you stay out of this, for once? Let me do it!” he batted rogers bum away and locked himself in the other room.
“I am wayyyy too sober for this.” You declared, shutting your laptop and pouring yourself a glass of rosé as Roger pounded on the door down the hall, hollering over the echoing knocks.
“And don’t be stingy on the cheese!!”
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