Hey so we've been dancing around being out about this but this blog is actually run by a system and I figured we should introduce ourselves more properly. So, little bios for everyone here.
Generally if you don't know who's talking, we don't even know sometimes, Fortune or Adrian is fine, and any pronouns, body as a whole is Jewish, trans masc, White and 22
Adri, He/Him, human, 22, fueled by spite and coffee but like... I try to be nice about it, my media taste gets more pretentious by the day, Dan Powell fiction kin
Masha, He/Him, human (?), 22, took the anxious tendencies in the divorce figuring out we were a system, causes problems on purpose
Fira, She/It, Demon (?), ???, gave Masha the anxious tendencies in the divorce figuring out we're a system, also causes problems on purpose, token extrovert, fictive?
Rowan, They/She, Human, 25, anxiety buddies with Masha, loves baking and cute things, fictive
Marius, He/They, human, 19, permanently in his emo phase, grumpy
Simon, He/Him, human, 28, fan of birds and psychology, fictive
Vanny, It/🔗, computer process, ???, songtive
song, no pronouns, something, ???, researcher and engineer of the strange, fictive
Jasper, He/Him, human, 30 something, kinda a hippie, laid back totally chill definitely not faking it, fictive
Eli, He/Him, human, ???, recovering warlock, fictive
Collie, He/Him, cowboy, 40 something, fictive
Dawn, She/They, [redacted information], ???, likes to cook, supposedly a morning person, loves knickknacks and tchotchkes, fictive