When I was 2/3, one of my favorite things in the world was watching skateboard videos. As it was 1988/89, these videos featured hardcore punk for the soundtracks more often than not. While my mom would turn the sound down, I was still introduced to bands like Bad Brains, the Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, Wasted Youth, and other influential, anarchist, and heavily political bands from the 80s.
Of course, I don't remember any of this except through short flashes and bursts, but I've heard many stories about it from my aunt and mother. Even though I do not remember this, it still massively influenced me. When I rediscovered it all 18 years later, it was like returning to a long lost friend. It had a huge impact on my political views.
I will always hold that hardcore punk is the reason I have any political views at all. They taught me not to simply accept things as they were and that they are often far worse than portrayed. Because of DK, T.S.O.L., Bad Religion, and a dozen other bands, I said "Fuck you" to standard politics and sought out my own views outside of the two party system. Because of them, I am a Social Anarchist.