I want to be seen the way I see the world
I want to be loved the way I love the world
I do not want my pain and horror overlooked
They are a part of me as they are a part of the world
They diminish neither and help to define both
Denying them blinds you to the totality
They exist even when overlooked
How can I be seen as I am
How can I be loved as I am
If parts of me must be overlooked to see my beauty
I can see the world as it is
I can love the world as it is
The world is beautiful even when these things exist within it
I want to be seen the way I see the world
I want to be loved the way I love the world
Because I am beautiful even when these things exist within me
They are not obstacles for someone to overcome
They are my reality and they help to define me
I will no longer hide them for the comfort of others
Because if they cannot see my pain and horror
Then they do not deserve to see my beauty
Even if that means I cannot be seen
Even if that means I cannot be loved