The fight in the Buffy fandom is always who Buffy should have been with, Angel or Spike. I don't think either deserves her. Both of them tried to kill her on multiple occasions. One of them tried to rape her. The other killed her friend, gaslighted her, tried to drive her insane, plotted to kill her entire family, and killed Willow's goldfish. Even with the good stuff that both did, neither of them is good enough for Buffy.
forgotn1 reblogged
i cant believe its almost been a year since the world ended
You must be new here. The apocalypse happens all the time. The only reason we're still here is because Buffy or the Doctor or the Winchesters or someone saves us but don't make a big deal about it.
I keep forgetting that Buffybot is still Sarah Michelle Gellar and not a robot version of her.
I bet Joss Whedon has a clause in his contracts that says he gets to kill at least 2 main characters; 1 to stay dead and hurt us all and 1 to bring back to life just to fuck with us.
Joss Whedon loves to mess with our heads. Such an asshole genius.
forgotn1 reblogged
This was the exact moment I stopped trusting Joss Whedon.
I know, right? How could he ever do something like this?