Title: 偶像に世界を委ねて (Entrust the World to Idols)
Arrangement: かに
Vocals: えびふらい & かに
Album: Crab Crab Chapter4
Circle: Crab Crab Club
Original: Entrust the World to Idols ~ Idolatrize World
The Five Fingers of Frankenstein
Sample credits: Saturn Paul, cybah.music, TheZachMichael
Title: 童祭 ~ Innocent Treasures (Kid’s Festival ~ Innocent Treasures)
Arrangement: いんどなめこ
Album: 東方フィルハーモニー交響楽団10 秘
Circle: 交響アクティブNEETs
Original: Kid’s Festival ~ Innocent Treasures
AWESOME fucking album so far.
Meltdown | iroha (sasaki) feat. Kagamine Rin
Title: Nostalgie
Arrangement: ELEMENTAS
Vocals: Rute & あき
Album: U.N. Owen Was Her? feat. HIKO
Circle: A-One
Original: The World is Made in an Adorable Way
Shadow Beast Battle // The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (2006)
Title: チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室 (Cirno’s Perfect Math Class)
Arrangement: ARM
Vocals: miko
Album: 東方氷雪歌集
Circle: IOSYS
Original: Tomboyish Girl in Love