floydlawtonssquad reblogged
You gave me this mission. This is how it ends.
I’m sure the same people who are giving Warner Bros. shit for having “too many characters” in Batman V. Superman are jizzing and wetting their britches over who’s CONFIRMED for Avengers Captain America: Civil War.
floydlawtonssquad reblogged
This isn’t freedom. This is fear.
floydlawtonssquad reblogged
Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow in Captain America: The Winter Soldier
floydlawtonssquad reblogged
Captain Cheekbones: The Winter Soldier, part 1
floydlawtonssquad reblogged
"who the hell is bucky?"
floydlawtonssquad reblogged
Sebastian Stan in the Captain America: The Winter Soldier trailer
Are you ready for the world to see you as you really are?
floydlawtonssquad reblogged
The motherfucking Falcon tho!
Source: manueluv