flagonofdragons reblogged
flagonofdragons reblogged
King & Hunter — The Titan & Caleb Parallels
King and Hunter
- Asexually produced offspring
- The presumed last of their kind
- Their names are originally titles that they have reclaimed to have personal meaning. A mighty King amongst his subjects! A Witch Hunter! Now just King and Hunter.
- Hundreds/Thousands of years disconnected from their father and their existence
- Pink eyes (Hunter formerly)
- Vibing with the Clawthornes
- Luz is their family (sister!)
- Grimwalker Pit / Titan Skull Trophy Room (And have been terrorized with versions of said spaces; Hollow Mind & King's Nightmare in WaD)
- The life they believed in was a lie; had their realities shattered and recontextualized
- Care deeply about family (Hunter wondering what exactly Wild Magic did to his family; King wondering about his father)
The Titan & Caleb
- Philip kills them both
- Both die from chest wounds
- Similar death poses
- Watch over their kiddos (Flapjack finding Hunter symbolically; King's Dad actually watching over him)
- The Titan and Flapjack had an affinity for Luz. Luz was pivotal in forging relationships with King and Hunter!
- Flap (Symbolic of Caleb) let Luz use him as a staff and the Titan lent him his power to stop Belos
- Were both fathers at the time of death
- They both gave up their lives for the sake of protecting their loved ones (Hollow Mind portrait; Evelyn appears pregnant; King's Dad hid his son and took the collector down to the inbetween with him)
- Probably made a lot of mistakes and watched their world come burning down
- Relishing in the fact that Belos can't hurt anybody anymore
Just a couple of Dads watching over their kids who never asked to be part of this tragedy and thanks to a little light, their lives are all that much better.
So thanks, Luz. Thanks for being the light.
You're right! They both start off with scars/damage in the series. King gets his horn repaired (maybe similar to how Hunter's eyes change color? A sense of wholeness/connectedness to their Dad/Ortet (DAD)?
But they also get NEW scars too!