rkgk! IORI~~!
From the back of Bad Boys by Korokke,1997
Featuring the Rolling Stones song,’Sympathy for the Devil’
This brings up a lot of questions
Vintage Videogame Crush: KOF Edition!
Tori yagami, Ryuji Yamazaki, Benimaru Nikaido and King
I was super into KOF as a kid, anyone that remembers me from my DA days..‘Tsuki no Yagami’ comes from Iori and he was my babe for my high school days.
Yamazaki just follows my trend of loving violent gangsters, Beni is my side chick and cosplaying King was the first time I ever got a pixie cut. Lots of love for all these babes
From Geparo Grand Prix 8 by Gamest, 1997
More King of Fighters Jademan comics. What’s King of Fighters even about
alright, like. what the fuck, honestly
iori only feeds stray cats with the finest Neo Milk®