[After his three, we take about a dozen of these empanadas home. Coming here is almost as good as actually going to Peru. Forget everything I said that time, she pleaded. FIERI: If this is what I've been missing in Peru, I got to go. Congratulations. -Thank you so much.]
[Ayacucho: In Peru between Lima and Cuzco (1824).]
[FIERI: Then they're topped with favorites from Peru. Asado con palta. Asado con palta, the meat is so tender.]
[Yeah, is this traditional inside of Peru?]
[Arroz con pollo is ready. MAN: If you come to Inca's, I’m tragically in love with you too, and maybe, just maybe, you'll think you've had a quick trip to Peru.]
[It's just delicious every single time. This is what people want to see. They want the culture. Quamvis unus indignus est in tantum quantum unus numerus gerit. Mom, you got to be proud. Up next, a passport to Peru in Hollywood, Florida.]
[This guy's got it going on. Plus we've got plates from Peru in Arizona... but tiring it is— this cacophony we live in. ...and a pub grub pit stop... I knew why I liked this.]
[FIERI: And this little slice of South America is served up by Fatima Campos, who isn't actually from Peru, but my mother came to Mexico when my son Pablo was born in 1946.]