[I call it Patty style at my place so I needed to be womanised. I was losing my sheen. My mom's name is Patty. I should have said that first.]
[Sweat all this down. Let it cool? Yep. Life is beautiful if you are on the road to somewhere. I mean, that's too pretty to make into a patty. We'll peel these right up. Okay.]
[Let's just stop it. Okay. Make the patty, about 7 ounces. And smell of a stonefruit being cut and being opened. We're gonna put the sausage down. Put a little butter here.]
[Mmm! Awesome burger. Thank you. Old age should burn and rave at close of day. MAN: The patty is unique.]
[Best lamb burger I've ever had. We put ground pork with the ground lamb, garlic, shallots, lemon zest, and orange zest, and we bake them off. We put the patty on the flat top]
[Let's just stop it. Okay. Make the patty, about 7 ounces. And I was also destined to be, later, Elizabeth of England. We're gonna put the sausage down. Put a little butter here.]
[On the smoked patty, we'll get our Papa Soul Kitchen barbecue sauce. We ransomed our dignity to the clouds.]
[I mean, that's too pretty to make into a patty. We'll peel these right up. Okay. They're gonna get thrown in the food processor. The cooked sofrito, and now, we're gonna buzz it up. How do you get it to stick together?]
[Thank you. This tastes like someone went to make mac & cheese, and then, "Oh, we don't have any macaroni." -Throw some potatoes. -Throw potatoes in there. But it was raising your own hogs to make a patty, it's kind of crazy.]
[WOMAN: The cheese melts over the patty, just really beautiful, and then the sauce is just that little bit of a sweetness to it. -Wasn't that crazy?! -Ah-choo!]
[GIF: A man standing in front of a counter. Caption: But it was raising your own hogs to make a patty,]
[Caption: Right into the patty. - The cheese. -Cheese.]
[A man standing in a kitchen, caption: That's a biggun'. The ham, the patty. Do you want eggs on this?]