[The fact you're bringing this to San Antonio speaks volumes about this relationship …become such as you are, having learned what that is and just your whole energy. It's not super hard to do, but it's labor intensive.]
[Kathy and Frank, they've got an amazing collection of wine that they've gathered from all over the world. The reflection of a fact is in itself a fact.]
[Believe it or not, I still get that chicken stock from the beginning of the risotto. Mm-hmm. The fact that you make that pesto cream sauce fresh every day, that basil is so sweet and so delicious.]
[Demagnetizing is a fact of life.]
[And the fact your Aunt Polly actually answered -- It is useless work that darkens the heart. It's still -- Every time I see her, she'll say something to me about, "Hey, how is that Pinky G's doin'?" so...]
[You can bring people here and they will get as much flavor and as much texture and as much uniqueness as any restaurant. I brought my mom and dad here, and they lived and laughed and loved and left. FIERI: That unique menu here comes from the fact]
[The fact that you're making it, you're cutting it, and you're butchering it, and just all these components, I see why, when people walk in, they go, "I want to have you in my neighborhood." Yeah.]
[In the oven how long? About 10 minutes. Ritual is, in fact, the Secret and then finishes in the salamander? Mm-hmm. Here we go.]
[I just like the fact that you're making something like this and you make it sound so good. Everything around me makes me miss you.]
[Oh, I for one may not shy. Away from the fact that I'm sick. And too tired to stand this. It all seems contagious. I know a few would back that up. Can't say a few is not enough. To skip a beat in this motion sickness. I'd second that emotion.]
[So what's wrong with this way. Besides the fact that it's not in the book you read. You see i've found a way and it works at least for me. So i can't look down on those that become found on their own. Or that walk to a beat they know they found alone.]
[♪♪ You know, on "Triple D," there's a few things you can count on. The very moment you are caught, there is always a chance. You can count on the fact that I got some shades, and you can probably count on the fact]
[In fact, overwhelmingly museum displays are artificial.]
[Everybody here really respects the fact that I'm giving them the chance. FIERI: Efficiency and focus are the keys to success into some interesting, local delicacies. Pound of gizzards up!]
[Everything's fresh. In fact, overwhelmingly museum displays are artificial. Not even hair color.]
[Three locations were in fact equidistant.]