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FFcrazy15—Fanfiction Blog


Roman Catholic, fanfiction writer, pro-life, anti-capitalist. Happily married to the love of my life. :) Multiple blogs are too much to manage, so enjoy the uncurated mess of fandom nonsense, Catholic content, aesthetic boards and moral philosophy musings. [General disclaimer: I am a faithful daughter of the Catholic Church and obedient to her precepts. If anything in any of my works should appear to run contrary to the teachings stated in the Catechism, this is merely to accurately reflect the characters as they appear in canon, and not a statement of support for these views or actions.]

what’s the vibe of your blog. everyone has their own. is it an art gallery exhibit serving canapés. a nightclub. a knights of the round table situation. a book discussion meeting. a lonely hearts club newspaper section. a bedroom where you and two friends are chatting. the school of athens debating matters of consequence. a garden tea party. a bacchanal. an agatha christie murder novel style tense dinner party. etc


It’s a Tolkein situation. You came for the fandom and the literature, but unexpectedly found yourself in a cozy cottage drinking tea by the fire with way more Catholic stuff on the walls than you anticipated (which you may or may not be awkwardly trying to ignore).


If this woman was alive today, she’d have my vote. Shit.

Victoria Woodhull 2016

This fails to mention that she was the first woman to run for US president, as well as being the first woman stockbroker on Wall Street alongside her sister Tennie Claflin, and their newspaper published the first English translation of the Communist Manifesto known to date




Okay, for starters, Victoria wasn’t a sex worker. She wasn’t necessarily anti-sex worker in the manner of the time–she viewed it as a societal ill that occurred because of the inequality of women and the power structure which allowed and abused such sex work. But she very much wanted to destroy the structures that forced many women into sex work and sex trafficking.

The claims that Victoria herself was a sex worker come from two things: her supportive stance on ‘free love’, i.e. the allowance for men and women to chose their own consensual sex partners outside of marriage, and her rise to power as a millionaire New York stock broker and newspaper owner. See, men of the time refused to believe that Victoria and her younger sister Tennessee Claflin could truly be such shrewd, ambitious and forward thinking businesswomen all on their own. So they spread the rumor that the sisters got their positions and fortunes from being sugar babies basically.

She was also virulently anti-trafficking after her younger sister and business partner Tennie Claflin was kidnapped and sold into brothels by one of their business rivals. When this happened, Victoria and her husband Colonel James Blood tracked the traffickers down and retrieved Tennie at gunpoint from her captors. 

Victoria was not well liked by her fellow suffragists either because she was an ardent supporter of Black suffrage and total equality of all races. She regularly told Stanton and Anthony to go fuck themselves.

It was awesome. She was awesome.

I just love Victoria Woodhull so much ;-;


Heading back to Motel 6. Unexpected expenses wiped out half of Moms pay and we have to spend every cent left on the Motel and still we only have the room until the 10th.

And that didnt leave anything for food.

If you can help us please do and if you cant please reblog this so it might find someone who can.

We only have the room paid for until the 10th. Moms Arthritis is so bad right now and I'm having a severe HS flair up. We can't be out in the cold.

Every little bit adds up so please help if you can and share if you can't so maybe someone who can help will see this.

I got the room paid for for two nights.

Please keep circulating this post so maybe someone who can help will see this I'm so scared of no being able to keep my Mom and I in out of the cold.

We've got a Week paid for but are completely broke again :(

We've got to scrape together $500 by sunday to keep the room for another week. So far we've got $24.

“Your lithium batteries require cobalt. The Congolese cobalt mine employs a combination of fossil energy powered machines, cheap labor (child miners in this case), and deforestation to mine the cobalt. It results in sulfuric acid, arsenic and mercury in the surrounding air and water, cyanide as a waste product for milling, and the dumping of massive amounts of tailings onto adjacent land. In the Democratic Republic of Congo there have actually been a series of civil wars for control of these valuable minerals. And one hour of minimum-wage American labor is $7.50 an hour, whereas the minimum-wage Congolese makes $1.83 a day. This is unequal exchange expressed as an appropriation of time.”

I'm making progress on learning to cook! I cooked some salmon today and it wasn't undercooked at all, not even in the center! and I didn't burn it either!


Ayooo great work!! Cooking skill + 15XP!


the law isnt that you cant record first responders within 25 feet, but that you cant be within 25 feet of them if they’ve *verbally* told you to step away or “perceive” you as a threat, its called the “halo law” or SB 184, and is currently only active in florida.

you absolutely can still record first responders. that is your constitutional right.

cops are 100000% going to abuse this law, know your rights and stay safe out there


I tried to come up with some reasons why I like Bill and Fleur.

- Bill was described as a very cool guy - easy going, fun to be around and adventurous. in my imagination he’s like Bon Jovi in Blaze of Glory.

- Fleur is a triwizard champion and loyal to Harry.

- Then Bill goes to Hogwarts to watch the third task and he INSTANTLY calls Fleur’s attention. Not the other way around.

- Fleur, who obviously had loads of people drooling over her, wasn’t as nearly as interested in them as she was in Bill.

- Because Harry, who’s quite oblivious, realizes it first than Bill himself.

- I like to think Bill didn’t look at Fleur when she was eyeing him, which annoyed her so much. I like to think Bill has such personality, that he never acts foolish around anyone. I don’t think we was mature like Percy, but actualy just very down to earth, bc every Weasley brother look up to him.

- Everyone thinks Bill and Fleur were just messing around, and then Fleur confronts Mrs Weasley - does anyone have ever done that before? lol -, fiercely, about truly wanting to marry him, not caring that he was injured, in fact, admiring him for being brave. 

And they were examples for Tonks and Remus, the way Tonks simply admire Fleur for not caring about the scars. Well, that is how powerful Bill and Fleur could be.

- And when Harry sees Bill smiling while Fleur was walking in her wedding dress, like he never faced Greyback in his life. In the middle of a war, their wedding was the last light moment Harry had before hunting horcruxes.

- and they settled down on a cottage near the sea. A lonely and beautiful place. Like a true fairy tale. 


dirt 2

The smell has to be unbelievable

Elixir of Heart Palpitations

This is what they gave Jeff Petry

Ohhhhhhhh I remember this. This is because people were going in the comments of people’s videos of making their little morning coffees and absolutely persecuting them for, like, using creamer or some caramel syrup, basically for the crime of being a somewhat happy seeming woman on the internet. It was WILD.


Something about how God is fundamentally love, three in eternal relation, and how the world made by him is therefore fundamentally relational, and truth is therefore all these both ands these nuanced things these two or three or four things tied together and how a lie is almost always a half truth where you break the things apart and say that that part is the whole truth, and how sin started with a lie, and sin is the breaking of relations too, with each other and with God, and maybe yeah maybe actually the list fundamental scientific law of the universe is love and maybe it’s most fundamental model is relation, and maybe when you set those definitions there’s a whole cascading domino effect of things making sense


tbh this is proof that social media has completely ruined my sense of humor like i could go see a stand up comedian live and not laugh as hard as i did from reading this one fucking tweet

i hate how fucking funny these are fghjdjskal

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