'The Picture of Dorian Gray' by Oscar Wilde (published in 1890)
feral-gaze reblogged
feral-gaze reblogged
ESO 350-40, Cartwheel Galaxy
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Nikita Gill, from Your Heart is the Sea: Poems; "The Anguish," originally published in 2018
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Stevie Nicks
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Courtney and Kurt
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therapy can't replace getting so angry alone in your room you feel lightheaded
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Urs Fisher: Untitled (2003)
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There were times I was kind when I should have been cruel and times I was cruel when I should have been kind.
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feral-gaze reblogged
but bro the self fulfilling prophie
think about the prophie bro
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I've never wanted to have sex with an airplane but I think it's cool how some people want to have sex with airplanes. I think the world is a richer and more colorful place for it.
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To heal the wound you first have to stop touching it.
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Louise Bourgeois
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Maison Margiela S/S 2021 | © Britt Lloyd
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Edouard Boubat, Stanislas at the Window, France, 1973
Source: last-picture-show