Long, long live that look on your face.
not even JRR Tolkien, who famously developed the concept of the Secondary World and firmly believed that no trace of the Real World should be evoked in the fictional world, was able to remove potatoes from his literature. this is a man who developed whole languages and mythologies for his literary world, who justified its existence in English as a translation* simply because he was so miffed he couldn't get away with making the story fully alien to the real world. and not even he, in extremis, was so cruel as to deny his characters the heavenly potato. could not even conceive a universe devoid of the potato. such is its impact. everyone please take a moment to say thank you to South Americans for developing and cultivating one of earth's finest vegetables. the potato IS all that. literally world-changing food. bless.
The ASOIAF covers releasing in October! I like them a lot!
Yes let’s attack one of the largest blog on here for being skeptical. Let’s make absolutely certain they never help our cause and only double down on their skepticism. It’s not like they weren’t around during Tumblr’s Russian Spy epoc and Sixpenceeee’s Child Slave saga. Poorly handled from both sides. What a waste.
Russian spy?!
“Aquarium Installs Sushi Roll Cylinders For Eels To Slide Into.”
Why is tumblr so weird?
And I am not talking about the content on this website… I am talking about the website itself, like from a technical standpoint…
for example: the Create Post window looks like this:
but when you zoom in 200% with your browser it suddenly changes to this?
and this window doesn’t just look different, it is miles ahead of the other one in every single way, for example this his the build in text editor:
yeah, you can change color and font without doing any HTML bullshit…
And the wildest thing… you’re not limited to one kind of post with this create post window…
You want to create a hybrid post that has pictures, text, a video and music? you can just do that no problem…
I wish The Great Gatsby a very pleasant public domain.