Growing up, I realized how much I related to Beaker from The Muppets. He is such a trans icon to me, although of course, he’s not actually trans. Disney would never allow that. But to me, he really matches my experiences as a transgender man (not with the physical harm, more in a metaphorical sense haha). Beaker is a man who is greatly misunderstood, and quite literally at that! His voice is literally high-pitched squeaks and screams that many wouldn’t perceive as being strong or masculine. He’s seen as weak or stupid and unable to stand up for himself. But he’s so much more than that. He always pushes on no matter. Despite all the hardships he goes through in life, no matter how many times he's knocked down, he continues to persist out of sheer hope and optimism. He goes against how people perceive him as. He’s strong and resilient, and he believes in the best in people. And I think that’s wonderful.