@fellthemarvelous on Tumblr

The simplest gesture of kindness can fill a galaxy with hope.

@fellthemarvelous /

Geriatric millennial (early 1981 baby), she/her, fandom obsessed (Good Omens, Star Wars, Doctor Who, The Good Place, M*A*S*H, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, etc...), always having some sort of existential crisis, former Catholic with lots of religious trauma; anti-censorship, pro-choice, still learning.

Good Omens always on my mind

Mostly I'm creating this to keep track of the posts I create about Good Omens. My views of different things are going to change over time the more I pay attention to other aspects and listen to what other people are saying.

Good Omens Meta Index:


Every now and then Master Fisto *accidentally* lands on the Vogue Coruscant cover and the rest of the Council lose their minds



I just got described as an "ad hating commie" by someone because I said a minute of youtube ads is unpleasant. fully spent 5 minutes arguing and defending youtube ads. insane stuff


reblog if you are an ad hating commie


The “Throwing Hands” Lineage

Mace Windu in Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) Ezra Bridger in Star Wars: Ahsoka (2023)

Glad to see we're all on the same page here


The “Throwing Hands” Lineage

Mace Windu in Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) Ezra Bridger in Star Wars: Ahsoka (2023)

before it gets bad I'm just gonna tell y'all certain rich people have literally only recently noticed Open Source software availability compromises the bottom line of their proprietary investments so if you see little chickadees on this website talking about the dangers of Open Source software all of a sudden it's cuz they accidentally sipped some koolaid mixed up by the far right yacht people to fuck with peoples software sovereignty and right to repair, modify, and redistribute robust codebases that become a problem when 30% of your portfolio is in, oh, say, adobe or openai.

This is your unfriendly neighborhood computer fucker telling you not to fall for it and to demand your right to digital sovereignty rather than trusting companies to make correct choices about what to do with the parts of your life they would very much like to have in the cloud to continue improving their products.


My Star Wars hot take is I'm honestly a really big fan of the characterization of Obi-Wan in the Kenobi series. This isn't a joke, let me explain.

In Revenge of the Sith, Obi-Wan blames himself for everything that Anakin's fall to the dark side triggers. He was Anakin's teacher, his mentor, his brother; it was his responsibility to raise Anakin, to teach him the ways of the Force and keep him from the dark side. And now, with Anakin finally having given himself to Sidious's command, Obi-Wan is now (in his mind) responsible for the destruction of the entire Jedi Order, the fall of the Republic, and the rise of the Empire. But more than anything, he feels responsible for failing Padmé; he couldnt protect Anakin, and in doing so failed to protect her from his fall, both mentally and physically. All he has left by the end of the film is the child of the two people he loved most in the galaxy, whom he's sworn to protect despite being unable to protect either of Luke's parents. So with his entire world shattered, and with no one but himself to blame... is it any wonder that Obi-Wan becomes this shell of himself?

He has ten entire years to reflect on every single thing he did wrong by Anakin. Every single stern word, every overly-impatient criticism. They all haunt him, every single one. What could he have done differently to have saved his best friend from himself? By the start of the series, Obi-Wan is this broken man, wracked with guilt and unable to look himself in the eyes. It doesn't help that he knows there may come a day where he has to protect Luke Skywalker from his father, and Obi-Wan simply doesn't know if he has the strength to look Vader in the eyes. The entire show exists in service of the final moment where Obi-Wan comes to terms with the fact that he didn't fail Anakin; Anakin chose this path. It's heart-rending, but it finally frees Kenobi of the guilt he's felt for Vader's rise. And with that freedom, he can finally accept that protecting Luke from going down his father's path is simply the only option he has left. He couldn't save Vader's soul, but he just might be able to save Luke's. And that's worth fighting for.

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