Every second he breathed, the smell of the grass, the cool air on his face, was so precious: To think that people had years and years, time to waste, so much time it dragged, and he was clinging to each second. At the same time he thought he would not be able to go on, and knew that he must.
harry potter series + writing
harry potter girls // name meanings
insp (x)
make me choose ↳ dave-the-actual-ranger asked: sirius black or rubeus hagrid
"How does it feel, Harry? When you see Dean with Ginny? I know. I see the way you look at her. You’re my best friend."
Harry Potter meme: one house [1/1]
→ Slytherin
THE MAGIC BEGINS: A Harry Potter Challenge ↳ Character(s) death(s) you wish didn’t happen: James Potter, Lily Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin
You’d know how the time flies
Only yesterday was the time of our lives
As soon as he stood up he wanted to leave: He did not think he
could stand another moment there. He put his arm around Hermione’s
shoulders, and she put hers around his waist, and they turned
in silence and walked away through the snow, past Dumbledore’s
mother and sister, back toward the dark church and the out-of-sight
kissing gate.
The truth is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with caution.
The German Academy of Spellcraft is a homey little castle located in the Harz Mountains near Blocksberg and not, contrary to popular belief, on Blocksberg. One spring day centuries ago, after a particularly exciting Quidditch tournament, members of the winning team flew to the summit of the Blocksberg and hosted a large party in celebration of their victory. Despite the gathering having happened under the cover of night, their flight was nevertheless spotted by sharp-eyed muggles who went on to make known the occurrence of this most curious event. The castle hosts a domestic kobold, who was let into the academy after a student found it knocking in the dead of night. Its presence, however, sparked some annoyance amongst certain house elves who found themselves devoid of chores to busy themselves with because the kobold had done it all. Every year, a number of beer fountains is erected for the opening feast, with brews ranging from traditional butterbeer to those imbued with magical effects. Muggleborns who are not accustomed to magicked brews often find themselves suffering from unwanted side effects ranging from ever-growing nose hair to talking backwards for an indefinite amount of time. When ovens were constructed during witch trials to burn the accused, the wizarding community took it upon themselves to charm the ovens, thus creating a massive floo network which saved a great number of innocent muggles. Ovens, to this day, are still used as a mode of floo transportation in Germany.