(One of the saddest songs I've ever listened to, especially by GACKT.)
Sayonara by GACKT
さようなら、愛した、大切な人 こぼれたなみだが雪に換わる さようなら、ないてた昨日までの僕 しずかにめを閉じて さりげなく方を寄せて まどべにもたれた 少し照れたしぐさで 僕は笑っていた かるくほほにキスをして 歩いて行く君を ずっと見てた さようなら、愛した、大切な人 こぼれたなみだが雪に換わる さようなら、ないてた昨日までの僕 しずかにめを閉じて 小さめのテーブルで 二人だけの夢を 見えない未来さえも 怖くはなかった 初めてのアルバムに うれしそうな君を そっとみてた さようなら、愛した、大切な人 君への重いだけはきっとのこる さようなら、ないてた昨日までの僕 しずかな夜だね
Goodbye, my beloved, precious one. Tears spill and turn to snow. Goodbye, myself who cried until yesterday. Quietly now, close your eyes. Brushing past my shoulder You leaned against the window. With a little bit of bashful behavior, I was smiling Slightly you kissed my cheek, I was staring at you, as you walked away Goodbye, my precious loved one. Teardrops turn into snowflakes. Goodbye, myself , who grieved until yesterday. Now just close my eyes... Sitting at a small table together, we shared our dream together. Even though our future was uncertain I was not scared at all. Because, looking at our first album together, you seemed so happy in it And I was just staring at you. Goodbye, my beloved, precious one. Only my love to you will remain forever. Goodbye, myself who cried until yesterday. It's a quiet night, wouldn't you say?