@fantasticwolfpenguin on Tumblr

Jackal Inside And Out


But i really love jackals and the Netjeru. Also reblogs stuff kemetic stuff under "#kemetic" (especially Anubis/Anpu/Inpw) You can also call me Cheryaseshtausen (Deputy of their Secrets) I guess...
Israeli settlements embody urbanization and the immense harm it poses. First, Israeli settlements are almost entirely built on confiscated Palestinian agricultural or grazing lands and are only erected after clear-cutting and uprooting local flora, namely olive trees: a primary source of food and income for Palestinians. The olive tree is also and an integral element of Palestinian identity, dating back millennia and symbolizing peace, steadfastness, fortitude, and resilience. As of 2015, the olive sub-sector constituted 15% of Palestine’s total agricultural income, supported over 100,000 Palestinian families, and provided “3 to 4 million days of seasonal employment per year”. Not only are Palestinian olive trees clear-cut to construct Israel’s illegal settlements, but according to the United Nations, are also “subject to fire, uprooting and vandalism by settlers”. Conservative estimates taken in 2011—after which Israel has only intensified its colonial efforts—revealed that nearly 1 million Palestinian olive trees have been uprooted and destroyed in a settler-colonial attempt to erase all traces of Palestinian heritage, culture, and existence. According to a 2020 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) report, the destruction of Palestinian olive trees — a cog in the greater, well-oiled Israeli mechanism of ethnic cleansing — coupled with the strategic expansion of illegal Israeli settlements, has devastated terrestrial ecosystems, causing severe “habitat fragmentation, desertification, land degradations, rapid urbanization, and soil erosion”. The UNEP went on to state that the process of urbanization through the “removal of rocks for construction, the uprooting of trees, invasive species [most often imported by the Israeli government and settlers to ‘Europeanize’ the land], [and] pollution…[is] threatening habitats and species.” The cruel, discriminatory measures Israel imposes upon Palestinians has led, among other issues, to a drastic decrease in agricultural productivity—and hence economic growth and stability—across Palestine. The effect of urbanization on local fauna is equally frightening. The previously diverse Palestinian fauna is under imminent threat. Israel’s construction of roads, the methods used to do so, and a sheer disregard for their ecological ramifications all threaten and harm Palestinian wildlife. Israeli forces often drill deep into mountains—inhabited by a wide range of natural fauna—thereby both displacing local wildlife populations, inhibiting their natural migrations, and resulting in a spike in animal deaths through roadkill. Furthermore, the destruction of the animals’ natural habitat—particularly their breeding and nesting sites—through “extensive land leveling and the fencing-off of settlement perimeters” has disrupted natural passageways, endangered many species, and caused severe imbalances in their population number and reproduction rates, affecting the food chain and local ecosystem as a whole.

We here at Sylph Co. are proud to announce the opening of an official tumblr account. By manufacturing and distributing Pokéballs and Trainer Acessories, we're not just selling supplies, we're selling connections between people and pokémon


[Image Description: the "silence, brand" image followed by twelve pictures of Unown spelling out the words "kung pow penis" letter by letter, followed by a gif of Zorua exploding an offscreen opponent. Each image is posted by a different person. End ID.]


Media preservation. Thank you catgirldragon


How Poke-racist of you tumblr


autistic anger issues are So Much. i have my temper more under control now in that i rly dont yell/lash out anymore but i do regularly boil inside with incandescent uncontainable rage over something inconsequential and then it evaporates in the span of ten minutes. incomparable




They didn't introduce a bill to just repeal the $35 cap on insulin.

  • the $35 insulin cap.
  • And a yearly cap of $2,000 for medications in Medicare Part D.
  • And allowing Medicare to negotiate for drug prices.
  • And requiring pharma companies to issue refunds to Medicare if the costs of their drugs rises faster than inflation
  • And an elimination of copays in Medicare Part D for vaccines like tetanus and rabies
  • And an expansion of eligibility for low-income subsidies for Medicare

Saying they want to eliminate just the insulin cap is understating their desire to fuck people over.


the worst part of being a non smoker is ill never light someones cigarette with my own in an indirect kiss fraught with erotic tension

It's called butt-fucking where I am, by the way. :) Can be censored to bum-fucking. For the prudes.

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