#words – @facinaoris on Tumblr

atlas of bone

@facinaoris /

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Your grave is untouched by flowers I might have brought. You left me this fierce love of spaces. My newest memorial to you is a meadow garden holding stones of many shapes: mushroom, serpent, loaf of bread. You enter through the East and spiral through it til you come to two log chairs. It’s stunning the way the wind through the pines still can’t make the sound of your voice.

Judith Vollmer, “Poem at an Unmarked Grave,” from The Door Open to the Fire 

Thank heavens you’re resetting ever setting and Resetting How else do you sew up the tears? How else can the body survive?

Yrsa Daley-Ward, from “bone,” bone 

It’s not an atomic number, your name, it codes no secret core of you. Your name doesn’t know any language of light, thick-tongued like a spent tennis shoe; it holds no shape, your name. Kill it and still there’s rising in the morning, dark tea, sitting, never even thinking of your name.

Trevor Ketner, “Anatta Ghazal,” published in The Baffler 

The god of the train is not the commuter-bodies who pack themselves into cars each rush hour. The god of the train is the ghost of tired shoes, and lives inside light particles, the rivers we cross, and most of all the tracks we ride. Most do not know the god exists, but we leave him offerings anyway: bottles and newspapers, illegal radios, graffiti scratch and spray – all of this is his scripture.

Sophia Holtz, “Prayer for the Mechanized God,” published in The Bohemyth

Often now your mouth feels like the dirt stuck in the bottom of a clay pot. If only you could open your mouth, the sky could feed you fire. It would feel as though you were being stabbed by small needles. You miss life inside the volcano. You remember too often how it felt to burn under the surface before God shot you out and waited for you to harden.

Elaina Mercatoris, from “How To Survive When You’re A Lava Flow” published in Compose

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