Hello one, hello all, I'm Exaflux, and this is an intro.
Welcome to this morsel of Tumblr you've found yourself in: yet another art blog! [jazz hands]
It's my art blog though and that means it contains an assortment of art, animations, analysis and other juicy bits and it only exists because my main blog has been overran by all the memes I've been hoarding >:V. Reblogs sometimes too.
Peruse my tags!: #Animation - What is says on the tin, my animations #Ask - Someone went pspsps at me! #Exa mutters: - I say something into the abyss, or I answer an ask #Analysis - Guess what this means #Text post - Like if my muttering and #Analysis were glued together, but with less people asking questions
Though I don't post outwardly NSFW images, some of the things I say and post may not be suitable for kids under 16. I'm an adult so legally allowed to swear. I can be very liberal with sexual themes in my jokes at times. Images might contain blood, violence or sexual references, but I don't make a habit of it. If I post nudity or partial it'll probably be in a tasteful kinda way, but that still doesn't mean you won't see a whopping whole nipple on your screen.
As for me...
I'm agender and 20 something and have too many interests to be bothered listing. Use whatever pronouns you want for me, trying to explain identity stuff here will take too long.
I'm not especially social out of habit but I'm trying to get better these days! If you wanna ask me a question or say something or whatever then go right ahead, my ask box is always open and I get lonely sometimes.