@eviichee on Tumblr

sorry if i spammed ur account

@eviichee /

i hope this colour palatte makes your eyes bleed this blog is shitty go away @proselles (my superior and much cooler blog)(i tag things there)

arcane act 2 is gonna be so fucking funny because they're all gonna be emo as fuck bc of breakups and mutilations and dead people and whatever meanwhile ekko is just there like My Fucking Tree


I wanted to wait for the full season, but there's too much ground to cover.


How does superglue REFUSE to come out of the tube when you're actively trying to get some out, but as soon as you give up and put it down, the damn thing decides it's time to do world's best pineapple-with-a-werewolf-boyfriend -impression?

This website makes it impossible to communicate with normal people.


the obsession with realism as the gold standard of quality is the hole where good creature design and interesting fx goes to die

it's not realism that's the issue, by the way, that's just a style, it's the way people often treat realism as the dictionary definition of good special effects


Wish I was a late bronze age girl

I would have my homeland invaded by the sea peoples. I would be lain siege to by the sea peoples. My cities would be sacked by the sea peoples. I would make bronze tools and pottery. My shores would be invaded by the mysterious sea peoples. I would be mustering my armies to fend off the sea peoples.


i feel like a big part of the "two nickels" joke that most people don't appreciate (as it has sort of become lost in translation since becoming a meme) is the fact that we have absolutely zero knowledge of how doofenshmirtz was doomed by a puppet the first time. the original punchline was about making us think "how the hell has that happened to him before"


sending asks is so scary what if i sneezed on my keyboard and mistyped my entire adress and misgendered everyone and mispelled every single word and also typed my password into the message. what then. once the ask is sent who knows what it looks like. i couldve tyepd anything

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