vaporeon is my favorite water type so i thought i’d do a few color variations :D i like to think a vaporeon’s coloring depends on where they evolve.
standard/solid - typically the most commonly seen variation. it is most common among domestic vaporeons who evolve with the help of trainers.
speckled/bubble - common among wild freshwater vaporeons living near rivers or lakes. these are popular among trainers, as they are generally friendlier and loyal. prefer a diet of plants and insects.
striped/tiger - a less common variant seen among wild saltwater vaporeons. most common in oceans. tends to be less cooperative and slightly more aggressive. prized for their strength and larger size. prefer a meat diet.
tropical - a rare variant found among island and coastal dwellers. they are prized for their smaller size and speed, and are popular in contests.
deep sea - extremely rare variation only found in the depths of the ocean. hard to catch and even harder to find. notable for their luminescent fins and darker coloring. a very aggressive subspecies with smaller lungs that keep them below water.