#im dying – @everythingelsegoesherethen on Tumblr

Shipping and Other Slightly Inappropriate Madness

@everythingelsegoesherethen /

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Multifandom, nsfw and need to knows My drabbles My writing My meta My positivity My meta responses 'My ask didn't get through!' If you don't read my tags you know nothing Jon Snow shjwwriterscircle

y’know if i were mother gothel i wouldn’t tell rapunzel that her birthday was ACTUALLY her birthday. like i’d probably tell her that her birthday was any other day where floating lanterns from the castle do NOT fill the sky and make her think they’re for her. hell whats the point of even telling her that birthdays exist, its not like she’s gonna ever know anyone else besides mother gothel who’ll tell her about birthdays

also what is rapunzel’s real name? is it actually rapunzel; is that what the queen and king named her? if that were the case then mother gothel should have definitely renamed her and had her grow up with a name that is different than the missing princess. like if she got to the town in the movie and heard someone say “this is for the missing princess, rapunzel” she’d be like “holy FUCK”

kiana this is a children’s movie

a man gets fatally stabbed and a woman literally turns to dust as she falls from a 60 foot tower. im talking about birthdays and names so i dont know what the fuck your point is


i HaTE myseLf SO MUch. i CliCkeD An UNdEScRiptiVElY NAmED scRIpt FilE tHAt i MAde In 2011 WitHoUT tHiNkING Of THe PotENtIaL ConSequeNceS aND GUeSS WHaT it DoES? guEsS WhaT iT fuCkInG does. I BEt YoU Can’t GUesS

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