This was ultimately my first, and overall favourite, cosplay picture of the day… my friend and I were just getting our wristbands on when a SPECTACULAR Dean and Castiel duo appeared…
When asked for a photo, they responded, ‘How close would you like us to be?’
And I responded, ‘Strike your best Destiel pose, if you don’t mind…’
The response?
'Sure, but be quick, I can't hold it for long!'
The result speaks for itself, I think.
Awesome cosplayers, great sports, brilliant photo result.
I know you two have tumblrs, so if you see this, thank you for being so cooperative and… well, Dean, thank you for your flexibility…
-The Little Sister
Alright, our Dean and Castiel found the photo!
Dean (icanwritejunk) & Castiel (sceneseannn)
Feel free to tell them how awesome their cosplays were, friends, followers and mortals-under-my-command…