#about me – @everythingelsegoesherethen on Tumblr

Shipping and Other Slightly Inappropriate Madness

@everythingelsegoesherethen /

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Multifandom, nsfw and need to knows My drabbles My writing My meta My positivity My meta responses 'My ask didn't get through!' If you don't read my tags you know nothing Jon Snow shjwwriterscircle

25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?

Tummy. Case in point, went swimming today and felt uncomfortable most of the time because of how I look. It’s fixable with exercise, but what irks me is the fact that I’m uncomfortable with it in the first place. //insert angry rant about gendered expectations here

43. Do you smile at strangers?

Mostly no since my gaze is usually skirting around from either the ground to brief eye contact. I used to a lot! The little happy boost you’d get when someone’d smile back was worth it. :3

Thank you for the questions!

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