Story Synopsis: Georgie Brant is a survivor of the outbreak who has suffered her fair share of loss, but to an utterly heartbreaking degree. She tries not to let it get the better of her, because she lost someone that might still be alive, out there in the world and she won’t give up on looking for them. In joining Rick’s group, she might gain more than just hope. [Rick/OC]
* click the pic for link to the chapter!
Source: eventualprocrastination
eventualprocrastination reblogged
Favourite TWD friendships // Maggie & Rick
eventualprocrastination reblogged
“Glenn made the decision, Rick. I was just following his lead.”
eventualprocrastination reblogged
You were in trouble. You were trapped. Glenn didn’t know you, but he helped you. He put himself in danger for you. And that started it all. From Atlanta, to my daddy’s farm, to the prison, to here. To this moment now. Not as strangers, as family. Because Glenn chose to be there for you that day a long time ago, that was the decision that changed everything. It started with both of you, and it just grew. To all of us. To sacrifice for each other. To suffer, to stand, to grieve, to give, to love, to live. To fight for each other.
I’m crying