Everyone has goth sex hormones it came free with your fucking existence.
have you ever developed romantic attraction to a very close friend?
- yes, once
- yes, multiple times
- yes, and we are currently in a relationship
- no
sorry if this poll has already been done ^^"
me in five years when i still don’t have my life together:
It's been 5 years.
rosemary in a dress bc. idk. im tired leave me alone
think i offed her mid jork
crazy to me that I've been on tumblr long enough to see the vast majority of posts i see on a daily basis evolve from superwholock and fandom shit to this
Anyways, *drifts into imagination*
all the green in the world!!
You should be able to say “don’t touch me” to anyone ever in any context and not have it be considered in the realm of surprising or insulting imho if we ever needed to normalize something it’s this
picking up zevran right after alistair finally gets a good flirt line in is so brutal. poor boy
there’s this girl you like who’s kind of been flirting with you, and you stumble a little through that but you manage to keep your cool and be funny and ask her if she would hypothetically like to be courted properly by a gentleman, and overall it goes really really well. you’re doing great. you’re getting a good grade in talking to girl. the very next day some elf who just tried to kill her calls her a deadly sex goddess and straight up offers to warm her bed and fend off unwanted suitors etc and you’re like “she’s not listening to this rubbish. is she listening to this rubbish?” but then she does recruit him so you’re like well clearly she was listening to some of that rubbish so what does it mean. is this whole thing actually doing something for her that being a gentleman doesn’t?? you can’t compete with that! at this point being able to make her laugh is all you have going for you. and then the elf immediately makes her laugh. one shot kill. haunting. devastating
look at my engram Dawgggggg i'm goin to die at arasaka hq 😫🤯🤣
Johnny spending 50 years as an engram + the time in V’s head not being able to really DO anything = Johnny getting his body back and being one THOUSAND times more touch starved, absolutely melting into Kerry or V’s touches