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"All human love is a dramatic enactment of the wild, reckless, unquenchable, undrainable love that powers the universe. If death is everywhere and inescapable, then so is love, if we but knew it. We can begin to know it through each other. The tamer my love, the farther away it is from love. In fierceness, in heat, in longing, in risk, I find something of love’s nature. In my desire for you, I burn at the right temperature to walk through love’s fire.

So when you ask me why I cannot love you more calmly, I answer that to love you calmly is not to love you at all."

Jeanette Winterson, from The PowerBook (via voulezou)


“Ten seconds of spontaneous breathing, gentle and deep, is enough to release a kind of vibrating stream of warmth into your brain and sometimes into your whole body.

Next, you will discover that true presence brings you pleasure incommensurate with events. The most banal thing—cup of tea, a few steps, opening a door, glance at the sky- can be enough to make you happy during the time you are present and well after.

You will discover that if you can find such pleasure in presence, then your joy no longer depends on exceptional circumstances waited for in a state of neurotic tension but on simple reality, as it presents itself to you from moment to moment. In this way you will gain immense autonomy from the intense pleasures that you once needed in order to be satisfied.

It will very quickly follow from there that your quest and your expectations will no longer be focused on hypothetical or uncertain objects but on whatever your experience reveals to you about everyday ordinariness.

You will discover that nothing or no one can take this pleasure away from you. Again, your independence will increase.

You will discover that your body and your mind love this communication so much that they will unite and ask you for more of it. The habitual schism between the body and mind will progressively subside.

You will perceive that with presence to the world, there is no ego, and therefore no separation, no duality. The panic about being nothing that swells in the back of your mind will then subside, leaving room for you to experience that to be nothing is to enter into totality, and that in this naked awareness you are the world.”


People who have a creative side and do not live it out are most disagreeable. They make a mountain out of a molehill, fuss about unnecessary things, are too passionately in love with somebody who is not worth so much attention, and so on.
There is a kind of floating charge of energy in them which is not attached to its right object and therefore tends to apply exaggerated dynamism to the wrong situation.

Marie-Louise von Franz, Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales

“Stop thinking about art works as objects, and start thinking about them as triggers for experiences… That solves a lot of problems … Art is something that happens, a process, not a quality, and all sorts of things can make it happen … [W]hat makes a work of art ‘good’ for you is not something that is already ‘inside’ it, but something that happens inside you …”

Brian Eno (via echymosis)

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